Congratulations on your purchase of a | Now everyone in your family, young and | SAFEWATCH EZ Security | System. |
new | old alike, will enjoy the true | Please read it through and retain it for | ||
Security System. This revolutionary new | you would expect from a quality, | handy reference. Because your system is | ||
concept in residential security makes us- | customized for your home and lifestyle, | |||
ing your system easier than ever before | fuss of remembering confusing numerical | you may find subjects mentioned here, | ||
possible, because the system uses its com- | codes to operate it. | that don’t apply to your system. | Rest as- | |
puterized control panel to continually | Simplicity and convenience begin with | sured your security system has been con- | ||
monitor the status of your entry door (and | your System’s | figured by your ADT Security Professional | ||
deadbolt). It actually anticipates what | buttons, then just lock or unlock the door | to best suit you and the system itself has | ||
command it should expect from you | as usual! Day in and day out, that’s all | been meticulously designed and engi- | ||
simply leaving you just one button to press | there is to it. | neered to the highest industry standards. | ||
to effortlessly operate your security sys- | This booklet contains important infor- | Please test your system at least once a | ||
tem, whether you’re going, returning or | mation about the operation of your ADT | week as described below. |
staying in for the night. |
| ||
| From a Ready Condition (Disarmed State) |
1 Test your siren and central station communicator:
Hold Down the BYPASS button for 4 seconds (until the Touchpad beeps). The system will generate a test re- port to central station and two momentary chirps of the siren.
•If the siren does not sound or sounds week, call for service.
•If the system indicates a low battery system trouble (trouble light TBL flashing 2 times), call for service.
•If the system indicates a communication failure system trouble (TBL flashing 3 times), call for service. (The communication failure system trouble may take a few minutes to appear.)
A subsequent press of the SILENCE button will silence the trouble indica- tion.
2 Test your motion sensors and other protective devices:
Hold Down the BYPASS button for 8 seconds (until the second
•Walk through the areas protected by motion sensors. The Touchpad will beep when the zone is violated and again when the zone is restored.
•Open and close all protected doors and windows and listen for the cor- responding Touchpad beeps.
After testing the protective devices, the Touchpad ARMED indicator will flash out the zone number of all zones which have been activated.
Press the SILENCE button to clear the display and end the test.
If any devices fail to respond when activated or register on the Touchpad display as described above, call for service.