The Thermostat Buttons
7Sets the system mode (HEATing, OFF, COOLing, or AUTOmatic changeover [user selectable feature]).
8Selects fan operation (see #6, above). This button is also used to program the fan to run continuously during a program period.
9Runs display forward or backward through time, day, or anticipation settings during programming.
10 Used with TIMEFWD and BACKTIME to set current time
and day of the week.
11 Used during programming to set the day of
the week. Also used with SET to enter
anticipation setting mode.
12Used to initiate or review thermostat pro- gramming.
13Used to start program operation after pro- gramming. Also used to return thermostat to program operation after being in HOLD mode.
14Used to manually override programming to hold at a selected temperature (when HOLD is displayed).
15Used to advance thermostat program to the next program period (for example, from the MOR program to the DAY program).
16(Blue arrow) Lowers temperature setting (40°F or 4°C minimum).
17(Red arrow) Raises temperature setting (99°F or 37°C maximum)