When your installation is completed and in- spected, you are ready for your first fire.
1)Open draft control fully.
2)Open firebox door and build a small fire using paper and dry kindling, wait a few minutes for a good updraft in the flue to establish the fire. Leaving the door slightly open will help your fire start more rapidly.
CAUTION: Never leave unit unat- tended if door is left open. This procedure is for fire start-up only, as unit may over-heat if door is left open for too long.
3)With the draft still in the fully open position, add two or three seasoned logs to your fire. Form a trench in the ash bed to allow air to reach the rear of the firebox prior to closing the door.
4)After about 15 to 20 minutes, when your wood has begun to burn strongly, adjust your draft control down to keep the fire at a moderate level.
WARNING: Never build a roaring fire in a cold stove. Always warm your stove up slowly!
5)Once a bed of coals has been established, you may adjust the draft control to a low setting to operate the unit in its most efficient mode.
6)During the first couple of hours, keep the combustion rate at a moderate level and avoid a large fire until the paint is cured. Only then can you operate the insert at its maximum setting, and only after the metal has been warmed.
7)For the first few hours, the insert will give off an odour from the paint. This is to be expected as the high temperature paint becomes seasoned. Windows and/or doors should be left open to provide adequate ventilation while this temporary condition exists. Burning the insert at a very high temperature the first few times may damage the paint. Burn fires at a moderate level the first few days.
8)Do not place anything on the insert top during the curing process. This may result in damage to your paint finish.
9)During the first few hours it may be more dif- ficult to start the fire. As you dry out your fire brick and your masonry flue (if applicable), your draft will increase.
10)For those units installed at higher elevations or into sub-standard masonry fireplaces, drafting problems may occur. Consult an experienced dealer or mason on methods of increasing your draft.
11)Some cracking and popping noises may be experienced during the heating up process. These noises will be minimal when your unit reaches temperature.
12)Before opening your door to reload, open draft fully for approximately 10 to 15 seconds until fire has been re-established. This will minimize any smoking.
13)All fuel burning appliances consume oxygen during operation. It is important that you supply a source of fresh air to your unit while burning. A slightly opened window is sufficient for this purpose.
CAUTION: If the body of your unit (or in the H2100M flue baffle) starts to glow you are overfiring. Stop loading fuel immediately and close the draft control until the glow has completely subsided.
14)Green or wet wood is not recommended for your unit. If you must add wet or green fuel, open the draft control fully until all moisture has been dispersed by the intense fire. Once all moisture has been removed, the draft control may be adjusted to maintain the fire.
15)If you have been burning your insert on a low draft, use caution when opening the door. After opening the damper, open the door a crack, and allow the fire to adjust before fully opening the door.
16)The controls of your unit should not be altered to increase firing for any reason.
The fan is to be operated only with the draft control rod pulled out at least 1/2" from the fully closed position. The fan is not to be operated when the draft control rod is in the closed position (pushed in). The fully closed position is the low burn setting.
The fan unit must not be turned on until a fire has been burning for at least 30 minutes and the unit is hot enough. As well, after each fuel loading the fan must be shut off until 30 minutes has elapsed.
To operate fan automatically, push switch on side of fan housing to "Auto" and second switch to either "High" or "Low" for fan speed. The
automatic temperature sensor will engage the blower when the unit is at temperature and will shut off the blower once the fire has gone out and the unit has cooled to below a useful heat output range.
To manually operate the fan system, push the first switch to "Man" and second switch to either "high" or "Low". This will bypass the sensing device and allow full control of the fan. Switch- ing from "Auto" to "Manual" or "High" to "Low" may be done at any time.
During constant use, ashes should be removed every few days. Please take care to prevent the build-up of ash around the start-up air housing located inside the firebox, under the loading door lip.
Only remove ashes when the fire has died down. Even then, expect to find a few hot embers. Always leave 1 to 2 inches of ash in the bottom of the firebox. This helps in easier starting and a more uniform burn of your fire.
Ashes should be placed in a metal container with a tight fitting lid. The closed container of ashes should be placed on a noncombustible floor or on the ground, well away from all combustible materials, pending final disposal. If the ashes are disposed of by burial in soil or otherwise locally dispersed, they should be retained in the closed container until all cinders have thoroughly cooled. Other waste should not be placed in the ash container.
1)Never use gasoline, gasoline type lantern fuels, kerosene, charcoal lighter fuel, or similar liquids to start or ‘freshen up’ a fire in your heater. Keep all such liquids well away from the heater while it is in use.
2)Keep the door closed during operation and maintain all seals in good condition.
3)Do not burn large quantities of paper in your insert.
4)If you have smoke detectors, prevent smoke spillage as this may set off a false alarm.
5)Do not overfire your insert. If the insert or its flue baffle begin to glow, you are overfiring. Stop adding fuel and close the draft control. Overfiring can cause extensive damage to your stove including warpage and premature steel corrosion. Overfiring will void your warranty.