Beko Official Air Conditioner Manual for Split Models

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BK 5200

BK 6300

Split Air Conditioner

User Manual

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Contents Split Air Conditioner Page Content Working temperature range PrecautionsIndoor Unit Parts nameTimer ON/TIMER OFF Buttons on remote controllerIntroduction for icons on display screen Button to adjust fan blowing angle Introduction for buttons on remote controllerEXWWRQ AutoUse remote controller to cancel it Timer on / Timer OFF button 7,0521EXWWRQ&ORFNWLPHDGRSWVKRXUPRGH 2QO\IRUWKHPRGHOVZKRVHLQGRRUXQLWKDVGXDOGLVSOD\ $1EXWWRQWRGLVSOD\VHWWHPSHUDWXUHDIWHUWKUHHRU¿YHVHFRQGV Function introduction for combination buttons Temperature display switchover functionChild lock function Operation guide Replacement of batteries in remote controllerClean surface of indoor unit Clean and maintenanceEmergency operation Panel Aux. buttonKHQWKH¿OWHULVYHU\GLUW\XVH Open panel&KHFNZKHWKHU¿OWHULVFOHDQ Disconnect power supply&OHDQ¿OWHUDQGLQGRRUXQLW¶VSDQHO General phenomenon analysis Malfunction analysis5HPRYHREVWDFOHV OLPLQDWHREVWDFOHV,VSOXJORRVH 5HLQVHUWWKHSOXJ 3RZHUIDLOXUHLULQJKDVPDOIXQFWLRQ 5HVHWWKHIXQFWLRQ7KHQRLVHLVWKHVRXQGRI UHIULJHUDQWÀRZLQJLQVLGH OLPLQDWHWKHRGRXUVRXUFH &OHDQWKH¿OWHUUnit, which is a normal phenomenon H1 0HDQVGHIURVWLQJVWDWXV,W¶VWKHQRUPDOSKHQRPHQRQ Error CodeFRQWDFWTXDOL¿HGSURIHVVLRQDOVIRUVHUYLFH Installation dimension diagram Selection of installation location Tools for installationRequirements for electric connection Safety precautionGrounding requirement DQG&&E\DXWKRULHGSHUVRQQHORQO\Step one choosing installation location Installation of indoor unitStep two install wall-mounting frame Step three open piping holeRSHQLQJWKHKROH Step four outlet pipeORFDOO\ Pretightening the union nut with handStep seven connect wire of indoor unit Step six install drain hoseInstallation With wire clipStep nine hang the indoor unit Step eight bind up pipeUpper hook Lower hook of wall-mounting frameSelect it according to the actual installation situation Installation of outdoor unitJoint RUWKHXQLWZLWKFRROLQJFDSDFLW\RIPipe joint Union nut Step four connect indoor and outdoor pipesPipe hole of indoor unit Step six neaten the pipesLeakage detection Vacuum pumpingUse vacuum pump Test operation Check after installationLiquid pipe RQ¿JXUDWLRQRIFRQQHFWLRQSLSHRQ¿JXUDWLRQRIFRQQHFWLRQSLSH SDQGWKHSRUWZLWKHSDQGHU Pipe expanding method&KHFNWKHTXDOLW\RIHSDQGLQJSRUW 66129914641