Beko BK 5200, BK 6300 user manual With wire clip, Installation

Page 26

Installation of indoor unit

2.Make the power connection wire go through the cable-cross hole at the back of indoor unit and then pull it out from the front side.

cable-cross hole

power connection wire

3.Remove the wire clip; connect the power connection wire to the wiring terminal


with wire clip.

1824K Heat pump type:

N(1) 2 3

blue black brown

yellow- green

Outdoor unit connection

4.Put wiring cover back and then tighten the screw. 5.Close the panel.





Ɣ)RUWKHDLUFRQGLWLRQHUZLWKRXWSOXJDQFLUFXLWEUHDNPXVWEHLQVWDOOHGLQWKHOLQH The circuit break should be all-pole parting and the contact parting distance should be more than 3mm.


Image 26 Beko BK 5200, BK 6300 user manual With wire clip, Installation
Contents Split Air Conditioner Page Content Precautions Working temperature rangeParts name Indoor UnitIntroduction for icons on display screen Buttons on remote controllerTimer ON/TIMER OFF Introduction for buttons on remote controller Button to adjust fan blowing angleAuto EXWWRQ&ORFNWLPHDGRSWVKRXUPRGH Timer on / Timer OFF button 7,0521EXWWRQUse remote controller to cancel it WRGLVSOD\VHWWHPSHUDWXUHDIWHUWKUHHRU¿YHVHFRQGV $1EXWWRQ2QO\IRUWKHPRGHOVZKRVHLQGRRUXQLWKDVGXDOGLVSOD\ Child lock function Temperature display switchover functionFunction introduction for combination buttons Replacement of batteries in remote controller Operation guideEmergency operation Clean and maintenanceClean surface of indoor unit Panel Aux. buttonOpen panel KHQWKH¿OWHULVYHU\GLUW\XVH&OHDQ¿OWHUDQGLQGRRUXQLW¶VSDQHO Disconnect power supply&KHFNZKHWKHU¿OWHULVFOHDQ 5HPRYHREVWDFOHV Malfunction analysisGeneral phenomenon analysis OLPLQDWHREVWDFOHVLULQJKDVPDOIXQFWLRQ 3RZHUIDLOXUH,VSOXJORRVH 5HLQVHUWWKHSOXJ 5HVHWWKHIXQFWLRQUnit, which is a normal phenomenon OLPLQDWHWKHRGRXUVRXUFH &OHDQWKH¿OWHU7KHQRLVHLVWKHVRXQGRI UHIULJHUDQWÀRZLQJLQVLGH FRQWDFWTXDOL¿HGSURIHVVLRQDOVIRUVHUYLFH Error CodeH1 0HDQVGHIURVWLQJVWDWXV,W¶VWKHQRUPDOSKHQRPHQRQ Installation dimension diagram Tools for installation Selection of installation locationGrounding requirement Safety precautionRequirements for electric connection DQG&&E\DXWKRULHGSHUVRQQHORQO\Step two install wall-mounting frame Installation of indoor unitStep one choosing installation location Step three open piping holeORFDOO\ Step four outlet pipeRSHQLQJWKHKROH Pretightening the union nut with handStep six install drain hose Step seven connect wire of indoor unitWith wire clip InstallationUpper hook Step eight bind up pipeStep nine hang the indoor unit Lower hook of wall-mounting frameJoint Installation of outdoor unitSelect it according to the actual installation situation RUWKHXQLWZLWKFRROLQJFDSDFLW\RIStep four connect indoor and outdoor pipes Pipe joint Union nutStep six neaten the pipes Pipe hole of indoor unitUse vacuum pump Vacuum pumpingLeakage detection Check after installation Test operationRQ¿JXUDWLRQRIFRQQHFWLRQSLSH Liquid pipeRQ¿JXUDWLRQRIFRQQHFWLRQSLSH &KHFNWKHTXDOLW\RIHSDQGLQJSRUW Pipe expanding methodSDQGWKHSRUWZLWKHSDQGHU 66129914641