Beko BK 6300, BK 5200 user manual Vacuum pumping, Leakage detection, Use vacuum pump

Page 31
vacuum pump
inner hexagon spanner
close open
nut of refrigerant charging vent
valve cap
gas valve
refrigerant charging vent
liquid valve

Vacuum pumping

Use vacuum pump

1. Remove the valve caps on the liquid valve and gas

Lo Hi

valve and the nut of refri- gerant charging vent.

2. Connect the charging hose


gerant charging vent of gas

valve and then connect the other charging hose to the


pletely and operate for 10-15min to check if the


mains in -0.1MPa.

4. Close the vacuum pump and maintain this status for 1-2min to check if the pres-


in -0.1MPa. If the pressure decreases, there may be leakage. 5HPRYHWKHSLH]RPHWHURSHQWKHYDOYHFRUHRIOLTXLGYDOYHDQGJDVYDOYH

completely with inner hexagon spanner.

6.Tighten the screw caps of valves and refrigerant charging vent.

7.Reinstall the handle.

Leakage detection

1.With leakage detector:

Check if there is leakage with leakage detector.

2.With soap water:

If leakage detector is not available, please use soap water for leakage detection.




Image 31
Contents Split Air Conditioner Page Content Working temperature range PrecautionsIndoor Unit Parts nameTimer ON/TIMER OFF Buttons on remote controllerIntroduction for icons on display screen Button to adjust fan blowing angle Introduction for buttons on remote controllerEXWWRQ AutoUse remote controller to cancel it Timer on / Timer OFF button 7,0521EXWWRQ&ORFNWLPHDGRSWVKRXUPRGH 2QO\IRUWKHPRGHOVZKRVHLQGRRUXQLWKDVGXDOGLVSOD\ $1EXWWRQWRGLVSOD\VHWWHPSHUDWXUHDIWHUWKUHHRU¿YHVHFRQGV Function introduction for combination buttons Temperature display switchover functionChild lock function Operation guide Replacement of batteries in remote controllerPanel Aux. button Clean and maintenanceClean surface of indoor unit Emergency operationKHQWKH¿OWHULVYHU\GLUW\XVH Open panel&KHFNZKHWKHU¿OWHULVFOHDQ Disconnect power supply&OHDQ¿OWHUDQGLQGRRUXQLW¶VSDQHO OLPLQDWHREVWDFOHV Malfunction analysisGeneral phenomenon analysis 5HPRYHREVWDFOHV5HVHWWKHIXQFWLRQ 3RZHUIDLOXUH,VSOXJORRVH 5HLQVHUWWKHSOXJ LULQJKDVPDOIXQFWLRQ7KHQRLVHLVWKHVRXQGRI UHIULJHUDQWÀRZLQJLQVLGH OLPLQDWHWKHRGRXUVRXUFH &OHDQWKH¿OWHUUnit, which is a normal phenomenon H1 0HDQVGHIURVWLQJVWDWXV,W¶VWKHQRUPDOSKHQRPHQRQ Error CodeFRQWDFWTXDOL¿HGSURIHVVLRQDOVIRUVHUYLFH Installation dimension diagram Selection of installation location Tools for installationDQG&&E\DXWKRULHGSHUVRQQHORQO\ Safety precautionRequirements for electric connection Grounding requirementStep three open piping hole Installation of indoor unitStep one choosing installation location Step two install wall-mounting framePretightening the union nut with hand Step four outlet pipeRSHQLQJWKHKROH ORFDOO\Step seven connect wire of indoor unit Step six install drain hoseInstallation With wire clipLower hook of wall-mounting frame Step eight bind up pipeStep nine hang the indoor unit Upper hookRUWKHXQLWZLWKFRROLQJFDSDFLW\RI Installation of outdoor unitSelect it according to the actual installation situation JointPipe joint Union nut Step four connect indoor and outdoor pipesPipe hole of indoor unit Step six neaten the pipesLeakage detection Vacuum pumpingUse vacuum pump Test operation Check after installationLiquid pipe RQ¿JXUDWLRQRIFRQQHFWLRQSLSHRQ¿JXUDWLRQRIFRQQHFWLRQSLSH SDQGWKHSRUWZLWKHSDQGHU Pipe expanding method&KHFNWKHTXDOLW\RIHSDQGLQJSRUW 66129914641