Windsor 240V, 230V operating instructions Importanti Istruzioni PER LA Sicurezza

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Beim Gebrauch eines elektrishen Geriites mussen immer arundsiitzliche- Vorsichtsma8nahmenbeachtet werden, elnschiieBiichder folgenden.

A WARNUNG: Urn feuer; stromschlag oder beschadigungzu vermeiden:

Maschinenicht unbeaufsichtigtlassen. Bei Stillstand und Wartung Stecker ziehan. Nicht irn Freien oder auf n&n Oberflachebenutzen.

Die Maschinedarf nicht als Spielreug benutzt werden. BesondereAulmerksamkeit ist geboten, wenn die Maschinein der NHe von Kindem benutzt wird.

Benutzung nur gemas Betrlebsanieltung und rnit dern vorn HerstelleremmmpfohlenenZubehbr.

MaschlnenicMmiibeschhdigtem Kabeloder Stecker inbetrlebnehrnen.Arbeitetdie Maschlnenicht einwandfrei, ist sie hingefallenrnbeschidigt, hatsie irn Freien estandenoder ist sie rnitWasser in Berirhrunggekommen - Kontaktmlt elnem aut?risierten Wartungsdienstaufnehmen.

Nicht am &be1 ziehen, Kabel nicht als Tragegriff benutzen, nicht in der Tore einklemmen oder uber scharfe Ecken und Kantenziehen. Nlcht rnlt der Maschine irber das Kabelfahren und Kabelvon heisen Flachenfernhalten.

Stecker nicht am Kabei herauszlehen, sondern am Stecker. Maschineund Stecker nicht rnit naBen HBndenbedienen.

Nlcht der Maschlnearbelten wenn irgendeineLiiftungblockiertist. Luftungsbffnungenfrei von Uberresten halten, welche die Lutrirkulationbehlndern. Haare, lose Kleldung. Finger und alle anderen Kbrperteile von Offnungen und arbeltendenTeilen fernhalten.

Nichts brennendmoder ualrnendeswle Zigaretten, Streichhblzer oder heiaeAsche aufsaugen. Bevor Stecker gezogen drd, Maschineausschalten.

Keine brennbarenoder entzirndbarenMaterlalienwle Benain aufsauaen und nkhiin deren Niihe arbelten.







Ved bruk av elektrlsk utstyr skal dlsse grunnregler fslges:



A ADVARSEL: For h unng6 fare for brann, elektrisk strat, elter skade:

MaskinenmA kun tilkobles et jordet uttak. Se jordin sinstruksjonene.



lkke forlat utstyret n& det er lnnkok$et. Dra ut stnpskt nfir det lkke brukes og ved reparasjon.

M i ikke brukes utendarseller & vatt underlag.



Ma ikke brukes sorn Iekem. &Id neye oppsyn ved bruk av og rundt barn.



Brukes kun siik det er forkiart I denne rnanualen. Bruk kun produsentensanbefaltetlil guts

lkke bruk skadet ledning eiler stnrpsel. Hvis utstvret ikkevirker slik det skai, har falt ib a e n , %t

skadet, forlatt utend~lrseller rnlstet ivann, returnerdet

ti1en autorisertr




lkkedra eller IdtTedningen,bruk heiler ikkeledningensorn hdndtak. ikkelukk en dar over ledningen,heller ikkedra ledningenrundtskarpe kantereller





lkke 0r apparater over lednin en. Hold ledningen borte fra oppvarrnet underia




lkke I r a ut strapelet ved 6dra ifedningen, For hdra ut stapslet. ta tak i stopslet, Eke i ledningen. lkke hhdter sbpslet eller utstyret r n d v&e hender.

lkke stlkkfrernmedlegernerinn 1 Hpningene. MA ikke brukes hvis noen av hpningeneer blokkerte: hold rent fo stprv,lo, h&, og annet sorn kan redusere luftstraprnen.

Hold har, lase klaer, fin rer og alle kroppsdeler vekk fra &ringer og bevegeligedeler. lkke su opp me sorn%renner eller nayker, slik som sigaretter,fyrstlkker eller varm aske. Sib av %iekontrolierfar strawlet dras ut.

lkke sug opp brennbaredler lettantemmeligevresker slik sorn bensln, eller bruk Iomiader hvor dlsse kan forekomrne.




Quandosi us8 un apparecchiaturaeiettrica, e necessario sempre aicune precauzioni di base, fra cui: A AVVERTENZA: Perridurre il pericoto di incendio, scosse elettriche e lesioni personali:

Collegarela rnacchina soiarnentead una presa di corrente adeguatamente rnessaa terra. Vedere le istruzlonlsulla me858a terra.

NonabbandonarelamacchinaquandoquestaBcollegataallepresadlcorrente.Quando lamacchinanonvieneusata, e primadiognl lnterventodlrlpara- zione o rnanutenzione,staccare iIcavo dl alirnentazionedalla pressa di corrente.

Non usare la rnacchlna all'aperto o su supemcl bagnate.

Non permettereche la macchinavenga usatacome giocattolo. Prestarepatticolareattenzionequando la macchlnaviene usatadai bambini o vicino ad essi.

Usare la macchina soltanto nel modo descritto in questo manuale. Usare solamante accessoriraccornandabidalla casa produttricedella rnacchlna. Non usare ia rnacchina con cavi e spine danneggiatl. Se la rnacchinanon funzionacome dowebbe,B cadutaa terra, si B danneggiata, B stata ladata ail'aperto o B cadutain acqua, portarla ad un centro assistenzaautorimto.

Nonfrare o trasportarela macchlna per iIcavo, nB usareII cavo come rnanico.chiudere una portasopra ilcaw,tirare ilcavoa contatto di angolle bordi acurninati.

No usare la macchina in rnovimentosopra il cavo; tenere ilcavo ilcavo lontano da superficicaide.

Non staccare la 8 ina dalla resa dl correnteUrando II cavo. Per staccareia spina, afferrare la spina e non 11 cavo. Non maneggiare splna o macchina con ie rnani bagnate.

Noninfilarealcunoggetto demo le aperture. Nonusarelarnacchinase un'aperturab bloccata; rnantenerelarnacchinaprivadipoivere,sporco, sfilaccia- ture o altro ostacolo che riduca ilfiusso dell'aria.

Tenere capelli, abti ampi, dlta e ognl altra patte del corpo lontano dalle a etture e dalle partl in movlrnento.

Non usare l'aspirapolvere per raccogiierequalcosache stia bruciandoo Ernando (sigarette,fiarnrniferi, caneri calde). Primadi staccare la spina dalla presa di corrente, spegnere tutti icornandl delia macchina.

Non usare la rnacchinaper raccogiiereliquidi infiammabilio combustibili,come la benzina, n4 usarla in aree dove possono esservi tali liquidi.




Image 3
Contents Voltage WindsorImportant Safety Instructions Importanti Istruzioni PER LA Sicurezza Specifications Electriques Hazard Intensity Level SafetySafenioperations Preparing for OperationOperating the Machine TOP View \ Operation ControlsMaintenance Motor Solution StrainerMaintenance Squeegee AssemblySqueegee Deflection Solution Trouble Shooting GuideI oBROWNo o Oescnption VAC Motor AssemblyTrident Compact 17230V/240V Tanksand Parts LiST Trident Compact 17 230V/240VPage 16 R9t.I Valve Assembly Valve Assembly Parts List Scrub Deck Assembly ASH ER , i i 4 F L a Scrub Deck Assembly Parts ListMECHANlCAL Controls CABLE,SQUEEGEE Mechanical Controls Parts ListRear View Control Panel Control Panel AssemblyRelay DPST-NO30A Control Panel Assembly Parts ListBrush and PAD 0PTION Lisf Brush and PAD Option LisfLimited Warranty Years for Parts and 1 Year for Service LaborDAY Warranty Extension Available

230V, 240V specifications

Windsor 240V and 230V are popular electrical standards used predominantly in residential and commercial settings around the world. These voltage levels are crucial, especially in regions that follow the nominal voltage convention established by the International Electrotechnical Commission.

One of the standout features of Windsor's electrical systems is its versatility. The ability to operate efficiently on both 240V and 230V makes it suitable for a wide range of appliances and machinery, from household items like refrigerators and washing machines to industrial equipment. This adaptability is particularly beneficial in regions where voltage fluctuation may occur, allowing appliances to function reliably even in less-than-ideal conditions.

In terms of technology, Windsor systems largely utilize single-phase and three-phase power supply configurations. Single-phase systems are common in residential settings, providing sufficient power for most home appliances. On the other hand, three-phase systems are often utilized in industrial applications due to their ability to deliver a larger amount of power more efficiently. They minimize losses and improve the overall performance of heavy machinery.

One of the key characteristics of Windsor 240V and 230V systems is their safety features. These systems often come equipped with ground fault protection and circuit breakers, which provide additional layers of security against electrical faults. This is especially important in environments with heavy equipment where the risk of electric shock or short circuits may be elevated.

Energy efficiency is another area where Windsor excels. Many appliances designed to run on these voltages are engineered with energy-saving technologies, such as variable speed drives and inverter technologies. These innovations not only reduce energy consumption but also extend the life of the appliances, making them a sustainable choice for consumers.

Moreover, Windsor voltage systems are compliant with international standards, ensuring their reliability and safety. They are tested rigorously to meet the specifications set forth by electrical safety organizations, which is vital for maintaining high standards in both residential and industrial applications.

In conclusion, Windsor 240V and 230V systems stand out due to their versatility, safety, and energy efficiency. They support a wide range of applications, ensuring that both everyday consumers and industrial operators can rely on electricity without compromise.