7.The new supply wiring should be terminated to the GREEN connector block. The correct locations for the Live, Neutral and Ground wires are marked on the panel next to the GREEN socket. The new Black (live) wire should be terminated in the left hand terminal. The White (neutral) wire should be terminated in the center terminal and the Green (ground) wire should be terminated in the right hand terminal. (See Pic 24, previous page). Note that alternative wire colors apply to UK and Europe.
If the Lighting output is to be used then the lighting wires should be routed by a qualified electrician to the orange connector at the bottom left hand side of the circuit board. A convenient conduit outlet is provided in the bottom of the case. The lighting circuit wiring should be rated at 3 Amps. (Pic 25)
Pic 25
The Lighting circuit may be wired to operate a standard bulkhead light or floodlight of a maximum rating of 250 watts.
If the Lighting output is to be used, then the lighting MODE switch No. 6 should be set as required. The
Pic 26
DIP switch No.6 should be set to the OFF position if the light is required to switch on when the door is operated and turn off three minutes from the last operation.
Switch No. 6 should be switched ON if the light is required to switch ON when the door is opened and switch OFF when the door is closed.
If a Remote operation Push Button is to be fitted then it may be wired to operate in parallel with the case mounted button, which is connected to the CYCLE terminals on the printed circuit board.
(Pic 27)
Pic 27