How to Know If Your Alarm is Malfunctioning
Your alarm performs an internal
If the alarm malfunctions.
In the rare event that your alarm malfunctions, it will alert you with one of these signal groups (depending upon the type of malfunction that occurs):
Malfunction Signal Group 1 - Component Failure
–An intermittent “chirping” alarm will sound every 20 seconds., and
–An “Err” message will appear on the digital display
Malfunction Signal Group 2 - Microprocessor Failure
–The alarm will sound continuously, and
–The digital display will be blank, and
–The alarm cannot be shut off by pushing the “Test/Reset” button
Unplug the alarm immediately and return for warranty exchange (see “Warranty” on back page).
What to do if you’re not sure...
PLEASE familiarize yourself with the malfunction alert, and do not confuse these sig- nalswithanalarm. Afterreadingtheinformationabove,ifyouarestillunsurewhether
NeverignoreaCOalarm.Atruealarmisanindicationofpotentiallydangerouslev- els of carbon monoxide. CO alarms are designed to alert you to the presence of carbon monoxide before an emergency, before most people would experience symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning, allowing time to resolve the problem calmly.