Converting the Lower Element
These instructions only cover the conversion of the convertible element, read this entire manual before attempting to install or operate the water heater. The water heater is factory set to operate at 3800 watts. The lower element can be converted to operate at 5500 watts. Refer to “Facts to Consider About the Convertible Lower Element” section.
The Upper Element, (if double element model) is a conventional 3800 watt element which only operates at its rated wattage on 240 volts. (See rating plate on the water heater.
The lower Element of the water heater can be converted from operation at 3800 watts to 5500 watts on a 240 volt system.
If after reading these instructions and this manual, if you do not understand any portion call Sears Service Center.
Before making the conversion to 5500 watts, check the (1) power supply . . . must be 240 volts, (2) wiring . . . 10 gauge AWG @ Type TW, 60°C or equivalent, and (3) Circuit breakers or fusing . . .capable of 30 amp loading. Also, the installation must conform with this manual, local codes and electric utility rules. Failure to comply can result in DEATH, SERIOUS BODILY INJURY, OR PROPERTY DAMAGE.
NOTE: Whether or not the element conversion is made the model rating plate must be marked. Using a hard point ink pen, check the appropriate block within the model rating plate, which is located adjacent to the lower access panel.
Necessary element conversion parts are located in a small bag contained within the electrical junction box on top of the water heater.
1.Before beginning the conversion turn “OFF” electric power supply to the water heater.
2.The convertible element is located behind the lower access panel of the water heater. Remove the two screws securing the access panel, and remove panel.
3.Remove the insulation cap with handle to expose the terminal cover.
4.Lower Element: Lift out the tab as shown to unclip the terminal cover from the thermostat. The terminal cover can now be removed from the thermostat.