To mute audio, simply press and hold
the Beats mute button on the center of the right ear cup.
To resume listening, release the mute button.
The headband is adjustable to fit different head sizes.
Grip the headband with both hands. Pull out equal amounts of headband on the left and right sides for a comfortable fit.
Ear cups should be centered over the ears.
Beats folds for convenient storage in the Beats touring case. Before folding remove the cable.
Note the two folding hinges on the Beats headband. Fold one side, then the other. Grip the headband and apply pressure to hinge, not ear cup when folding.
Do not fold both sides simultaneously.
sound check
For the best iPod® or iPhone™ listening experience
with Beats, activate iTunes® Sound Check. Sound Check standardizes the volume of all the songs in your music library. Beats is specially designed to provide a powerful but safe listening experience with Sound Check activated. Learn more about iTunes Sound Check at http://docs info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=61655
TIP: Beats powered isolation can be used without a music source to simply reduce undesirable sounds, such as airplane engine noise.