Kenmore Complete Guide to Threading Your Sewing Machine

Page 8


Upper threading ...

needle threading ...

now quick and easy


C)Making certain that needle is

in its highest position, thread it from front to back.

B)Now pull thread toward you

into Top-Threading Path (14), down to Tension Spring (13) -- diagram above, Pull thread up into spring. Then draw thread through

stotted take-up ]ever (t5} and down again through either side of lower thread guide (1t).

D) Holding the needle thread with

the left hand, and basting button pushed, gently tap the foot control. A single stitch will be made. This brings the bobbin thread up to the top surface forming a loop. Reach into this loop with a long instrument like a screwdriver and pug loop free, Then pull three or four inches of both top and bobbin threads behind the needle.

Image 8 Kenmore 1791 manual Threading the Rest of Your Machine, Upper threading, Needle threading, Now quick and easy
Contents Knowing Parts and features SettingNeedle Contro, stitch selector Indicator Check chartSolid State Foot Control Knowing Your Sewing MachineBack View Frontview SETrlNG UP Your Machine Getting Ready to SEWElectronic Needle Control Stitch SelectorNeedle stops precisely in up or down position Push Before Turning DialPush Winding BobbinPutt out to disengage Threading the Bobbin Case Drop-in bobbin Makes this a simple Sure operationThreading the Rest of Your Machine Upper threadingNeedle threading Now quick and easyThread Tension Thread Tension Straight StitchingZigzag Stitching Checking for Correct Tension of ThreadChanging Needles NeedleplatesTo Replace the Needleplate Insert Your Size 14 Needle is BASIC., oChoosing Right Needle For the FabricFabric is the KEY to Needle and Thread Choice Kenmore needles are Recommended for all Kenmore machinesYour Foot Controls Speed Presser FootApplies Pressure Straight and Zigzag SevngKeep YOU on Target Feed Dogs Keep the FabricMoving Sewing Swing UP For Free ARMEasy to SET for ALL Straight Stitch I NG Stitch length is yourKey decision Here are Your Basic Seings for Straight StitchingMaking Permanent Seams Truly Permanent HandsomeTOP-STITCHING Backtacking Crossing seams oo Turning square cornersTemporary Sewing By MachinePIN Basting STAY-STITCHING NOW Simple New free Basting method for Very long stitchesZigzag Stitching Expands Your SkillsMany plain Fancy uses For easy zigzag SewingSpecial Edge Stitch Settings Stitch Selector -- il Change Stitch Length Width For Strength For VarietyMost important use for Basic zigzagHeres how to set your machine Hemming Can Simplified Also using the special KenmoreBlind HEMMING-- a Basic Stitch That Adds a Finishing Touch Built-in Blindstitch is a reai time-saverSetting your machine Mending Darning By MachineSo much easier Takes little practice No Presser FootFagoting BAR-TACKINGDecorative stitch that also is good for mending knits To reinforce points of strain on any garmentZigzag To support and shape edges and detailsZigzag Presser Foot Using Your BUILT-IN Buttonhole System Buttonholes and FastnersIts great for Making single Extra-long buttonholes Your Kenmore built-in system is the only one that can beUsing Your Special Buttonhole Attachment Another important buttonhole accessoryIt wilt become Get acquainted with whats in yourStart with the ones You like in the chart below Your NEW Buttonhole SkillsRound END ButtonholeAn art by our Grandmothers Now easy to do By machine Settings for round-end, keyhole, eyeletWorked Buttonholing Bound buttonhole settings PURL-EDGING For That Professional TouchTips on Making Bound Buttonholes Darning PlateHome-sewn zippers can look as nice as those on ex Cording is Simple with Same Zipper SettingsZippers That are SMOOTH-WORKING Good Looking MACHINE-SEWED BUTTONS? YES KenmoreClear plastic foot Makes job easySetting Your Machine for Straight Stretch Stitching Straight Stretch StitchingStretch and Special Stitches For seams That need to stretch With the fabricUsed most often for Top-stitching StretchRICK-RACK STR Etch Feather Stretch Elastic StretchOvercast Stretch Youll love this For skirt-bands LingerieHOW to GET the HAND-SMOCKED Effect by Machine Paris Point StretchSome Favorite Stitches Can beSatin Stitches AS the Professionals USE ThemMachine EMBROIDERY? Custom Designs By MACHINE? Finishing and Personal TouchesWeveadded an embroidered touch to a bias tape at Here are Some SINGLE-NEEDLE Designs Youll Like to USEOnly your fancy is needed for This fanciwork Is Easy These Kenmore Special AidsNOW Narrow Hemming Most USEFUL, Versatile Accessory Your Kenmore Edgestitcher Makes Many Trims PossibleEven Feed FootProblem FABRICS? TOO Soft to FINISH? Here are Happy Endings Handsome Shell StitchingLovely Lettuce EdgingEasier with Your Kenmore Guide forQuilting the Kenmore WAY Orderly rows Uniformly spacedSuspected Problem Incorrect thread tensions Bent needle plate Hand wheel not returned toCleaning Your Keeping IT CleanSewing Bright Light JOBTo Keep Your Oiling Your Keeps IT Smooth RunningOiling Under TOP Cover PlatePresser Feet AccessoriesNeedles Other Vital ITEMSUl o c