Kenmore 385.11703 owner manual Si la tension est trop leve, El hilo est demasiado tenso

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Ajuste de la tensi6n del hilo de la aguja

R_glage de la tension du fil de I'aiguille

Tensibn correcta

La puntada recta ideat cierra los hilos entre las dos tetas tai como se ve en la figura

AI ajustar la tensi6n del hilo de ta aguja, cuanto mAs alto sea el numero ajustado, mayor ser& la tensi6n.. (_ Para aflojar

(_ Para apretar

Los resuttados depender&n de:

-la rigidez y el grosor del tejido

-el nSmero de capas de tejido

-el tipo de puntada

(_) Hilo de la aguja (Hilo superior)

(_) Hilo de ta canilta (Hilo inferior)

(_) Parte de arriba de la tela (_ Parte de abajo de la teta

El hilo est_ demasiado tenso

El hilo de la canilla aparece por la parte de arriba de ta tela y se sentir& desigual. Afloje la tensi6n del

hilo de la aguja girando hacia arriba el aiuste de tensi6n del hilo

(_ Hiio de la canilla (Hi]o inferior)

0Parte de arriba de la teia _3 Para aflojar

El hilo est& demasiado flojo

E1 hilo de fa aguja aparece por fa parte de abajo de la teta y se sentir& desigual Tense la tensiSn del

hilo de a aguja girando hacia abajo el ajuste de tensi6n del hilo.

Hilo de la aguja (Hiio superior) (_) Parte de abajo de la tela

(_) Para apretar

En la puntada zig-zag ideal, el hilo de la canilla no aparecer;& en la parte de arriba de la tela y el hilo de la aguja sever& ligeramente en la parte de abajo de la tela,

G'_ Hilo de la aguja (Hilo superior)

Tension correcte

Le point droit parfait doit presenter des fils crois6s entre les deux epaisseurs de tissu, comme iilustr6 & gauche

Lors du r6glage de la tension du fil de I'aiguitle, plus le numero est grand, plus le fil de i'aiguirle sera tendu

O Pour r6duire

0 Pour augmenter

Le r6sultat d_pend:

-de ia raideur et de l'epaisseur du tissu

-du tissu du nombre d'_paisseurs de tissu

-du type de point emptoy_

(_ Fit de I'aiguitle (Fil sup_rieur) (_) Fi[ de la canette (FiLinf6rieur) (_ Endroit du tissu

(_ Envers du tissu

Si la tension est trop _lev_e

Le fir de Ia canette apparait sur le cSt_ endroit du tissu et produit des bosses. Tournez Eamolette vers le haut pour reI_.cher la tension du fit de Faiguille. (_) Fil de la canette (Fil inf_rieur)

(_) Endroit du tissu

(_) Pour rr_duire

Si la tension est trop faible

Le fil de I'aiguille apparait &l'envers du tissu, et produit des bosses Tournez la molette vers le has pour augmenter la tension du fil de I'aiguille

(_) Fit de l'aiguitle (F[I du sup6rieur) (_ Envers du tissu

(_) Pour augmenter

Lorsqu'un point zig-zag est effectu_ correctement, le fit de la canette ne parait jamais sur le cSt_ endroit du tissu et le fiFde I'aiguil[e apparait & peine sur le c8t6 envers du tissu

0 Fil de l'aiguille (Fil du sup6rieur)


Image 29
Contents Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 UoS.A Machine a CoudreIMPORTANT Safety iNSTRUCTiONS Instrucciones Importantes DE Seguridad Consignes DE SI!CURITE Importantes Garantie complete Kenmore Master Protection Agreements For Sears professional installation of home appliancesSi desea hacer us de los servicios profesionales de Sears Service dinstallation SearsEspecificaci6n Sewing speed MaximumCaractristiques DescriptionPartie 4o Entretien Table DES MatiiresNames of Parts Names of Parts@ Vis Identification des picesBobineuse a disque de tension OutleL Getting Ready to SEWPartie Preparacion Para CoserConexi6n de ta mquina a la red elctrica AViSOPresser Foot Lifter Relive-pied presseur Palancade elevaci6n del prensatelasControl de puntada reversa Bouton de marche arrireBobbin Winding Bobinage dunecanette de fil Embobinado de la canillaLevante la bobina det portabobinas BobinaPage Aviso Inserting the bobbin Introduction de la canette Introducct6n de la bobinaDisconnect the AC adapter from the machine Threading MachineBefore threading Place a spool on the spool pin, with threadEnfilage de la machine AVlSODrawing up Bobbin Thread Comment faire monter le fil de la canette Extracci6n del hilo de la canillaThread SelectingLight Georgette,LinenSeleccionar las agujas y los hilos Tension is too loose Adjusting the Needle Thread Tension Balanced tensionTo loosen El hilo est demasiado tenso Si la tension est trop leveEl hilo est& demasiado flojo Si la tension est trop faibleStitch Selector C DSlecteur de point Levante la aguja hasta la posici6n m&saltaTela cuandoest seleccionando una puntada Straight Stitch Basic SewingStarting to sew Securing a seamPartie 3. Couture DE Base Basic Zigzag Turning a Square CornerAvec Pour coudre un angle droitSection Care of Your Machine Cleaning the Bobbin HolderPartie Entretien DE Votre Machine Seccion Mantenimiento DEL LA MaquinaNettoyage du porte-canette Limpiando el portacanillasBreaks Troubleshooting Condition Needle Thread breaks CauseSkipped stitches Seam puckeringCosturas fruncidaso Le fil de canette se casse Laiguille se casse Causes possiblesEn cas de problme Problme

385.11703 specifications

The Kenmore 385.11703 sewing machine is a versatile and user-friendly model that has captured the hearts of sewing enthusiasts and beginners alike. Esteemed for its robust construction and ease of use, this machine is ideal for tackling a variety of sewing projects, from simple repairs to more complex creations.

One of the main features of the Kenmore 385.11703 is its extensive selection of stitch options. With 18 built-in stitches, including utility stitches, decorative stitches, and a one-step buttonhole, users have a wide array of choices to enhance their projects. The adjustable stitch length and width provide further customization, allowing users to tailor their stitching to fit their specific needs.

The adjustable presser foot pressure is another notable characteristic of this machine. This feature enables sewers to achieve the perfect tension for various fabric types, from lightweight silks to thicker materials like denim. The machine also boasts a top-loading bobbin system that simplifies the threading process, making it accessible for beginners. The clear bobbin cover allows for easy monitoring of the thread supply.

In terms of technology, the Kenmore 385.11703 comes equipped with a built-in needle threader, a time-saving feature that minimizes eye strain and frustration. The automatic needle stop position also adds to the machine's user-friendly design, ensuring the needle stays in the down position for accurate pivoting and corners.

This sewing machine is designed with portability in mind. Weighing approximately 15 pounds, it features a compact body that can easily fit in sewing cabinets or be transported to sewing classes and workshops. Additionally, the included carrying case provides extra protection during transportation.

The Kenmore 385.11703 is also known for its reliability and durability. Constructed with high-quality materials, it promises long-lasting performance with proper maintenance. Users appreciate how easy it is to clean and oil the machine, contributing to its longevity.

Overall, the Kenmore 385.11703 is a well-rounded sewing machine that perfectly balances functionality, technology, and ease of use. Its combination of built-in features and user-helper technologies makes it an excellent choice for both novice and seasoned sewers looking to expand their creative horizons. Whether you’re mending clothes, crafting home décor, or embarking on quilting projects, this machine is designed to meet your sewing needs.