Hoover UH50000 owner manual Beltreplacement, Brushrollreplacement

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T h e b e l t sa r e l o c a t e du n d e rt h e b o t t o r np l a t e o f t h e c l e a n e ra n d s h o u l db e c h e c k e df r o m

t i m e t o t i m e t o b e s u r et h e v a r ei n r r o o d c o n d i t i o n .

The flat (wide)belt is describedbelow;tlre other is describedunder"Brushroll replacement" .

Whento replace

Disconnectcleanerfrom electricaloutlet.


Warning Brushroll canstartsuddenly. Unplugcleanerwhenit isturnedover.

To checktheflat belt,removebottomplate asshownin Fig .3 - 9 .Replacebeltif it is stretched,cut or broken .

Whatto buy

T o a s s u r ee f f e c t i v eo p e r a t i o n ,u s e o n l y g e n - u i n e H 0 0 V E R b e l t sw i t h y o u r c l e a n e r .

W h e n p u r c h a s i n ga n e w b e l t , a s kf o r : F l a t belt - HOOVERpart No . 38528035 .

Removingbelt Positioning backof belt


Removing bottomplate

Disconnectcleaner from electrical outlet.

Warning - Brush roll can start sud - denly . Unplug cleanerwhen it is turned over,

Placehandlein low positionand turn cleaneroverso bottom sideis up . Removethe 4 screws asshownwith a Phillipsscrewdriver . Lift off bottom plate

(A) .

Positioning front of belt


Flat belt (B) operates the self-propelfea- ture and indirectly drivesthe brushroll .

R e m o v eu s e db e l t ( B ) f r o m l a r g ep u l -

l e y ( C )a n d d i s c a r d .

With letteringon outsideof belt,slide new belt over motor shaft(D) .

Placeotherend of


belt overlargepulley

plateand a Phillips


headscrews .Tight -

pulleyin direction

en screwssecurely .

shown .



Whento replace

Disconnectcleanerfrom electricaloutlet.


Warning Brushrollcanstartsuddenly. Unplugcleanerwhenit isturnedoverWhen. brushrollbrushesareworn,it shouldbe


Tocheckconditionof brushes,movetheedge of a cardacrossbottomplatewhileturning brushroll. Tomaintaincleaningeffectiveness, replacebrushrollif brushesdo nottouchcard.

Whatto buy



for HOOVERpart


Image 13 Contents
= t OwnersManualFf@,lffifiiklfliitlll LmportantSafetylnstructions Cartoncontents AssemblingcleanerAttachhandle M o v el a b e l D from self propel b u t t o nSTEPlll Positiontools STEPll Attach hoseT i o nt o o l a n d c l o s e tool cover Howto use CleanerdescriptionPolarizedplug S i t i o n s D g eg r o o m e r sTransporting Carrying Cleaner cleaner Self-propelfeature ON-OFFSwitchHandlepositions EmbeddedDirt Finder featuf€ somemodetsontyAutomaticbrushrollindicator CarpetheightadjustmentCleaninglightweight flexiblerugs Edgecleaning Howto cleantools Cleaningtools Howto attachtool cover SelectpropertoolMaintenance Whatto buy Whereto buyChangingfilter bag Secondaryandfinal filtersReplacingfinalfilter HeadlightreplacementHowto reattachfilter door CheckbrushrollchannelsBrushrollreplacement BeltreplacementBelt Replacing brushroll PoweredhandtoolBeltreplacement Replacingbelt PoweredhandtooIEdgegroomerreplacement ServiceThermalprotector LubricationClearingblockages TroubleShootingCheckingairflowpath Checkingunderbottomplate Lf blockageoccursduringpowered handtool useRemovebottom p l a t e F i g e D b r u s hr o l l F i g G s .3 1 9 , 3 2 0 and 3Shipto Please Printclearly Name Street City State Zip