Hoover UH50000 owner manual TroubleShooting, Clearingblockages, Checkingairflowpath

Page 17

4. TroubleShooting

lf a minorproblemoccurs,it usuallycanbesolvedquiteeasilywhenthecauseis foundby usingthechecklistbelow .




Cleanerwon'trun Not firmlypluggedin

Plugunit in firmly


N ov o l t a g ien w a l lp l u g

Checkfuseor breaker


Blownfuseor tripped

Replacefuseor resetbreaker




Agitatorbrushes aren'tturning

Cleaner/ tools won'tpick up

Cleanerhardto push

Cleanerwon't self - propel

ThermalprotectoractivatedAllowcleanerto coolfor 30 minutes(this


will resetthethermalprotector)

CustomControl"'switchset Setswitchto carpetposition

on barefloorposition.


Auitatoris obstructed .


Brokenor wornbelt



R e p l a c eb r u s hr o l l


Changefilter bag


M o v e c a r p e th e i g h tc o n t r o lt o l o w e rs e t t i n g



Blockaqein airflow passageClearblockaqe

I n c o r r e c tc a r p e th e i g h ts e t - M o v e c a r p e th e i g h tc o n t r o lt o h i g h e r

t i nq

s e t t i n o

Flat belt broken or worn


Self - propelbutton in 0FF

Slidebuttorito 0N

n o s i t i o n


Brushroll not

Brushroll in 0FF position

Movebrushroll controlto 0N position





Flatbeltbrokenor worn


Poweredhand tool brushroll won'tturn

Toomuchpressurebeing Continueusingtool applyinglightpressure annliedto tool

B l o c k a g ein t u r b i n ec h a n n e l R e m o v eb l o c k a g e .

Brokenor wornbelt



L o w c l e a n e rs u c t i o r r

C h e c ki t e m su n d e r

" C l e a n e r

w o n ' to i c k u n " .


Disconnectcleanerfrom electrical outlet. Warning - Brushroll can start suddenly . Unplugcleanerwhen it is turned over .

L o w s u c t i o no r p i c k u p m a y b e d u e t o a blockagein the system . Referto the follow - ing stepsto checkfor blockagescontinuing with eachstep until the blockageis found:

l . C h e c kf u l l n e s so f f i l t e r b a g ; c h a n g ei f ne e d e d .


2 . Plugcleanerin andturn 0N . Checkfor suctionat endof hose(A) .

a .lf thereissuction,continuewith step3 . b. lf thereis no suctioncheck.for blockaoe

i n h o s ea n dd i r t t u b e


l ) D i s c o n n e c t

a s f o l l o w s :


tC) by reversing

h o s ef r o m d i r t d u c t


procedurefor "At - t a c h h o s e "o n p . 4 , F i g s .1 - 5a n d l - 6 .

2 ) C l e a ro u t h o s e .

3 ) L o o k i n t o ( C ) and removeblockage.

3 . Checkconnectionat hosetube (B);remove a n y b l o c k a g e .

4 . T u r n c l e a n e rO F Fa n d u n p l u g .

Image 17 Contents
= t OwnersManualFf@,lffifiiklfliitlll LmportantSafetylnstructions Cartoncontents AssemblingcleanerAttachhandle M o v el a b e l D from self propel b u t t o nT i o nt o o l a n d c l o s e tool cover STEPll Attach hoseSTEPlll Positiontools Howto use CleanerdescriptionPolarizedplug S i t i o n s D g eg r o o m e r sTransporting Carrying Cleaner cleaner Self-propelfeature ON-OFFSwitchHandlepositions EmbeddedDirt Finder featuf€ somemodetsontyAutomaticbrushrollindicator CarpetheightadjustmentCleaninglightweight flexiblerugs EdgecleaningHowto cleantools CleaningtoolsHowto attachtool cover SelectpropertoolMaintenance Whatto buy Whereto buyChangingfilter bag Secondaryandfinal filtersReplacingfinalfilter HeadlightreplacementHowto reattachfilter door Checkbrushrollchannels Belt Beltreplacement Brushrollreplacement Replacing brushroll PoweredhandtoolBeltreplacement Replacingbelt PoweredhandtooIEdgegroomerreplacement ServiceThermalprotector LubricationCheckingairflowpath TroubleShootingClearingblockages Checkingunderbottomplate Lf blockageoccursduringpowered handtool useRemovebottom p l a t e F i g e D b r u s hr o l l F i g G s .3 1 9 , 3 2 0 and 3Shipto Please Printclearly Name Street City State Zip