Hoover UH50000 owner manual Checkingunderbottomplate, Lf blockageoccursduringpowered handtool use

Page 18


5 . Removebottom p l a t e( F i g . 3 - e )

a n d b r u s hr o l l ( F i g .

3 - r5) .

L o o k i n t o o p e n i n g ( F ) ,i n c h a n n n e l s ( G )a n d a r o u n dl i n - e r ( H ) , a n d r e m o v e a n y a c c u m u l a t e d debris .

lf blockageoccursduringpowered handtool use

1 .D i s c o n n e c t

p o w e r e dh a n d t o o l from hose .Remove b o t t o m p l a t e ,b e l t g u a r da n d t u r b i n e a s d e s c r i b e din

F i g s .3 - 1 9 , 3 - 2 0 and 3 - 27 .

R e m o v ea n y b l o c k - a g ef r o r n t u r b i n e c h a n n e(l D ) .

R e p l a c eb e l t

t u r b i n e ,b r u s hr o l l , b e l t g u a r d a n d bottonr plate .

Image 18 Contents
OwnersManual = tFf@,lffifiiklfliitlll LmportantSafetylnstructions Attachhandle AssemblingcleanerCartoncontents M o v el a b e l D from self propel b u t t o nSTEPll Attach hose STEPlll PositiontoolsT i o nt o o l a n d c l o s e tool cover Polarizedplug CleanerdescriptionHowto use S i t i o n s D g eg r o o m e r sHandlepositions ON-OFFSwitchTransporting Carrying Cleaner cleaner Self-propelfeature EmbeddedDirt Finder featuf€ somemodetsontyCleaninglightweight flexiblerugs CarpetheightadjustmentAutomaticbrushrollindicator EdgecleaningHowto attachtool cover CleaningtoolsHowto cleantools SelectpropertoolMaintenance Changingfilter bag Whereto buyWhatto buy Secondaryandfinal filtersHowto reattachfilter door HeadlightreplacementReplacingfinalfilter CheckbrushrollchannelsBeltreplacement BrushrollreplacementBelt Poweredhandtool Replacing brushrollPoweredhandtooI Beltreplacement ReplacingbeltThermalprotector ServiceEdgegroomerreplacement LubricationTroubleShooting ClearingblockagesCheckingairflowpath Removebottom p l a t e F i g e D b r u s hr o l l F i g Lf blockageoccursduringpowered handtool useCheckingunderbottomplate G s .3 1 9 , 3 2 0 and 3Shipto Please Printclearly Name Street City State Zip