Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
From global configuration mode, you can display all the configured usernames. However, you cannot display all the configured usernames in username configuration mode.
Each user is identified by a username that is unique across the administrative domain. Each user should be made a member of at least one user group. Deleting a user group may orphan the users associated with that group. The AAA server authenticates orphaned users but most commands are not authorized.
If you want to require a username and password on the console or for Telnet sessions, configure authentication using both the aaa authentication login default local command and the username command.
The predefined group
Note To enable the local networking device to respond to remote CHAP challenges, one username command entry must be the same as the hostname entry that has already been assigned to the other networking device.
Task ID
Task ID | Operations |
aaa | read, write |
The following example shows how to establish the unencrypted password password1 for the user user1:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# configure
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config)# username user1
Related Commands | Command | Description |
| aaa authentication | Defines a method list for authentication. |
| group | Adds a user to a group. |
| password (AAA) | Creates a login password for a user. |
Cisco IOS XR System Security Command Reference