IB_Breadmaker_GB.qxd 04.02.2005 10:14 Uhr Seite 22
The baked bread is too moist.
Check the dough consistency 5 minutes after beginning of the kneading opera- tion and add1/2 to 1 TBSP of liquid or flour, if necessary.
There are air bubbles on the surface of the bread.
You may have used too much yeast.
The added raisins get crushed in the appliance.
To prevent ingredients such as fruits or nuts from being crushed, add these to the dough only after you hear the beep. Check the consistency of the dough If too dry, the dough will not hold the rai- sins.
The bread rises but collapses later. Can other recipes be used?
The bread may be rising too fast. To prevent this, reduce the water quantity and / or increase the quantity of salt and / or reduce the quantity of yeast.
You can use other recipes, but follow the specified quantities. Get to know your appliance well and the recipes given here, before you try out your own recipes. Never exceed flour quantity of 350 g. Adjust the quantities of your reci- pes to the quantities specified for the recipes given in this booklet.
Why do different breads vary in their size and weight?
Whole wheat flour and rye flour are hea- vier than