Fruit Ice Cream: Add l/2 cap
Use a good quality chocolate syrup for best flavor.
,Makes: Ten
2cups heavy cream, chilled
1cup whole milk, chilled l/2 cup chocolate syrup
2tablespoons sugar
l/2 teaspoon almond estract
Place ingredients in a medium mixing bowl and combine until well blended. Pour into freezer bowl: turn the machine OS and let mix until mixture thickens, about 20 - 25 minutes. If desired, transfer ice cream to an airtight container and place in freezer until firm, about 2 hours.
Sutritional mformatlon per wn my’
CalarIes 104 (O”4, from fat). Cdrho. I$. pm. I@ sat. fat Og. chol. IIny. wd. Xmg.
Ground pistachio nuts add rich flavor to this delicious dessert.
Llakes: Twelve
1cup whole milk, chilled
1cup coarsely chopped pistachio nuts
1cup sugar
l/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1drop green food coloring (optional)
Place ingredients in a medium mixing bowl and combine until well blended. Pour into freezer bowl, turn the machine ON and let mix until mixture thickens, about 20 - 25 minutes.
If desired, transfer ice cream to an airtight container and place in freezer until firm, about 2 hours.
Sutritional infornution per sen mc:
Ckxiec 253 (;j% from 6t). carbo. ! 1 F, pro. 49. ht. !lp. sat. fat 105. chol. i;ms. cod. Zhme.
Thick, slushy and refreshing. It tastes like it is hard to make.
Makes: Four
Pour into freezer bowl, turn the machine ON and let mix until mixture is thick and slush!; about 20 minutes. Pour into glasses and serve immediately.
Kids love it! It’s easy to make and fun to eat. It even stays soft in the freezer.
Llakes: Eight
7 cups whole milk
Place ingredients in a medium mixing bo\r I and combine until well blended. Pour into freezer bowl, turn the machine OS and let mix until mixture thickens, about 15 - 20 minutes.
Serve immediately, or if desired. transfer to an airtight container and store in the freezer.
Children love to help make this creamy frozen dessert... and they love to eat it too!
Alakes: Eight
3 cups whole milk
Place ingredients in a medium mixing boal and combine until well blended. Pour into freezer bonl, turn the machine OS and let mix until mixture thickens, about 15 - 20 minutes.
Serve immediately, or if desired, aansfer to an airtight container and store in the freezer.
Sutritional information per servm~:
Cdlories 10; (25% from t;lt). carho. 1 Ty. pro. 2g. bt 38. sat. fx Zg. chol. l?mg. sod. 102mg.
.I refreshing treat for busy kids.
Makes: Eight
t cups
Pour into freezer bowl, turn the machine OS and let mix until mixture thickens, about 15 - 20 minutes. Serve immediatelv, or if desired, aansfer to an airtight container and store
in the freezer.
Kutritiotul infornutlon per senmg:
Calorie$ 48 (0’)” from fX). who. 12:. pro. 0:. tk 0~. ut. t& Og. chol. Omg. sod.