9After processing, disconnect the power. Hold the handle of the chamber tightly with one hand and lift the head unit with the other hand.
10 Filtrate soymilk with the lter, and it is ready to serve. You can add some sugar before serving.
•Soymilk can also be served without being ltrated.
Make ve-grain soymilk
•Measure ingredients as instructed. You can adjust the quantity a bit as per your personal taste.
•Example recipe: rice and soy bean milk, for 2-4 people.
•Make sure that the perforated ow cup is installed correctly before use.
1 Take 30 g of soybeans (around 1/2 cup) and 50 g of rice (around 1/2 cup) with the supplied measuring cup and wash them clean.
•To increase the life of the blade, soak the soybeans
winter) and wash them clean before processing.
2Install the perforated ow cup and rotate it to the correct position, as shown in the illustration.
»Make sure that it cannot be pulled off.
3Put rice and the soybeans evenly at the bottom of the chamber to prevent them from touching the perforated ow cup.
4Pour water into the chamber. Make sure that the water level is
between | (the maximum | |
level indication) and | (the | |
minimum level indication). |
•To shorten the processing time, you can add warm water no hotter than 70 .
5Put the head unit into the chamber. Make sure that the upper plug is correctly inserted into the connector.
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