Melissa 643-009 manual Recipe, WAFFLE-IRON Needs to be PRE- Heated, Greasing the Griddles, Frying

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-Always pull out the plug from the wall socket when the machine is in use. If a fault should occur the machine can start unintentionally.

-Always pull out the plug from the wall socket when cleaning the machine.

-Warning for heat and hot surface.

-The machine must not be built-in or covered. Risk for overheating and fire.

-Make sure that the machine stands firmly on a stable surface.

-Make sure that defective parts are repaired, and that the machine’s operating reliability is maintained, before it is used.

-Use only original spare parts.


-Ready-mix for waffles can be bought at most food shops.

-Recipes are also available in most cookery books.

-Try your own recipes to achieve best results.


-Heat up the iron with the cover closed for about 5 minutes.

-When the iron has reached the correct temperature the pilot lamp goes off.


-It is often sufficient to grease the griddles with cooking fat or oil for the first waffle.

-The griddles are treated with a non-stick coating, and therefore a minimum of oil is necessary.

-The waffles come easily off the griddles because of the non-stick coating.

-The recipe used also affects how the waffles come off the griddles.


-The mix is poured in the middle of the bottom griddle. Close the cover on the iron, and press the griddles together with the handle (to spread the mix).

-The cover should be closed quickly after the mix has been poured in, so that the bottom and top of the waffle will not be unevenly fried.

-The pilot lamp goes off occasionally during frying, since the griddles cool down, but a built-in thermostat ensures that the iron still maintains an even temperature. For this reason frying is just as good whether the pilot lamp is on or off.


-The waffle mix used affects the frying time.

-The frying time can vary between 2 to 3 minutes.


-Always pull out the mains flex from the wall plug before cleaning.

-The coating on the griddles can be damaged if sharp or hard kitchen utensils are used during cleaning.

-Use a moist cloth with mild washing liquid for normal cleaning.

-If the mix has burned on the grilles, an oven spray can be used. Let the foam act on the griddles for a moment and then wipe clean.

-After cleaning with cleaning spray the first waffle which is fried should be discarded, since there may be spray residue on the griddles.

-Do not dip the waffle-iron in water.


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Contents 643-009 Viktiga Säkerhetsföreskrifter InledningGräddningstid ReceptSmörja in Laggarna GräddningGarantin Gäller Inte TipsVigtige Sikkerhedsforskrifter Bagning OpskrifterVaffeljernet Skal Forvarmes Smøring AF PandenMiljøtips Garantien Gælder IkkeImportør Tärkeitä Turvallisuushuomautuksia JohdantoPaistopintojen Voiteleminen Varoitus Kuumuudesta JA Kuumista PinnoistaResepti Vohvelirauta on Aina Esilämmitettävä Ennen KäyttöäTakuu EI Kata VAURIOITA, JOS Viktige Sikkerhetsregler InnledningSteking OppskrifterVaffeljernet MÅ Forvarmes Smøring AV PlateneGarantien Gjelder Ikke Appliances Important Safety RegulationsGreasing the Griddles CleaningRecipe WAFFLE-IRON Needs to be PRE- HeatedImporter Warranty does not CoverWichtige Sicherheitshinweise Backen RezepteDAS Waffeleisen Muss Vorgewärmt Werden Einfetten DER PfanneTipps UmwelttippsDIE Garantie Gilt Nicht WA˚NE Informacje NA Temat BEZPIECZE¡STWA WST¢PNAT¸USZCZANIE P¸YT Grzejnych OSTRZE˚ENIE Przed DZIA¸ANIEM Wysokich TemperaturPrzepisy Gofrownice Rozgrzac Przed PieczeniemGwarancja NIE MA Zastosowania W NAST¢PUJÑCYCH Przypadkach WskazówkiВажные Правила Техники Безопасности ВведениеСмазка Рабочих Поверхностей Предупреждение О Тепле И Горячей ПоверхностиРецепт Вафельницу Требуется Предварительно РазогретьГарантия НЕ Распространяется НА Следующие Случаи Время ПоджариванияОчистка Советы