Activating Your roadyXT
Activating Your roadyXT
Use the arrow buttons to find channel 0, then push the “select” button to choose it. You should see an
Note: Carefully check your XM Radio ID. The letters I, O, S, and F are not used.
Activate your XM Satellite Radio service by contacting XM at http://activate.xmradio.com or by calling 1.800.XM.RADIO (1.800.967.2346). You will need the XM Radio ID and a major credit card.
XM will send a signal from the satellites to activate the full channel lineup. Activation normally takes 10 to 15 minutes, but during peak busy periods, you may need to keep your roadyXT on for up to an hour to complete the activation process. When you can access the full channel lineup on your roadyXT, you’re done!
Warning: When using this product it is always | Warning: Failure to properly follow all installa- |
important to keep your eyes on the road and your hands | tion instructions may result in personal injury, death, |
on the wheel. Not doing so could result in injury and/or | and/or damage to your roadyXT, accessories, and/or to |
death to yourself or to others and/or in property damage. | your vehicle or property. |