Dualit 20297, 47168, 47169, 47171, 47165 Toasting Frozen Bread, When the timer stops wait 20 seconds

Page 13


Toast bread directly from the freezer with this handy setting.




Set the ‘selector switch’ to the desired number slots you require and insert your frozen slices of bread.

Rotate the ‘timer’ to the defrost symbol and let the timer wind down to ‘0’.

When the timer stops wait 20 seconds.



Your bread will now be defrosted and ready for toasting.

Wind the ‘timer’ to the ‘2’ indicator for well done toast or ‘1.5’ for medium toast.

Then continue to toast as if toasting fresh bread as shown on previous page.


Image 13
Contents Vario Toaster Toasting Since Contents Water or other liquid Safety pRECAUTIONSDo not put a pan on top of the toaster or warming rack Accessible surfaces of the toaster may get hot during use Before UsingDo not use outdoors Your toaster is now conditioned and ready for useKeeps your work surfaces clear of crumbs Know Your ToasterTimer controlled defrost and toasting Illuminates when power onHeavy duty cast aluminium castings Select number of slices or buns you are toastingAccessories Sold SEpARATELY ALwAyS LOADyOUR Slots STARTINg FROm the Left Toasting TIpSCRUmb TRAy mUST bE in Place DURINg TOASTINg Setting UpThREE Slice SelectorFURThER Rounds ToastingToasting Frozen Bread When the timer stops wait 20 secondsSANDwICH Making Toasted SANDWIChESCover Castings Cleaning & CareCrumb Tray Internals Always unplug the toaster after use ThERMAL pROTECTION DeviceButton on its face Before use Resetting ThERMAL FuseElement spares REpLACEMENT pARTSREpLACING Elements WiresTo remove the base plate Loosen locking nuts onMy Toaster is not wORkINg TROUBLEShOOTINGGET Uneven TOASTINg My Toaster wObbLES on my wORk SurfaceONE Side of my bREAD is not TOASTINg My Toast gETS STUCk wHEN I EjECT FROm the ToasterSmOkE COmINg OUT of the Slots Thermal fuse has been activated. See page17Guarantee Page Info@dualit.com +44 0 1293 652