Cooking charts and tips
Description | Weight | Power | Duration | Standing | Remarks/Hints |
| in (g) | (Watt) | (mins) | time |
| (mins) |
1 portion vege- | ca. 200 | 850 | Heat in covered container, | ||
tables, potatoes |
| stir once. |
or rice |
1 cup soup | ca. | 1000 | Heat clear soup uncovered, | ||
| 200 ml |
| cover thick soups. Stir. |
Drinks |
Milk or baby | 200 ml | 1000 | Remove any lids. Stir after | ||
food |
| warming! |
Boil 1 cup water | 180 ml | 1000 | Stir instant coffee or tea | ||
| when the water has stop- |
| ped boiling. |
1 cup milk | 200 ml | 1000 | 1 | Heat milk till it is just hot | |
| enough to drink. Stir. |
1 cup coffee | 200 ml | 1000 | 1 | Stir. Check the temperature! | |
(reheat) |
| |
| |
Defrosting and heating of frozen convenience foods |
| ||||
1 portion meat | 150 | 850 | Stir now and again. Heat in | ||
with gravy |
| a covered container. |
1 portion meat | 350- | 850 | As for meat with gravy. | ||
with vegetables, | 450 |
garnish |