Dishwasher Warranty .......................................
Full One Year Warranty
For ONE (l/year from the date of original retail purchase, any part which fails in normal home use will be repaired or replaced free of ch_u Limited Second Year Warranty
After the first year from the date of original retail purchase, through the second year, parts which fail in normal home use will be repairex replaced free of charge for the part itself, with the owner paymg all other costs, including labor, mileage and transportation.
Limited Third Through Fifth Year Warranty
After the second year from the date of original retail purchase through the fifth year. all of the following components which fail in normal hc use will be repaired or replaced free of charge for the part itself, with the owner paying all other costs, including labor, mileage and transpo tion. These components include:
Any parts of the Jetclean _"system for all models, including die complete power module assembly, sensor, center spray nozzle, spray arms, wash arm hose. and motor.
Computer Touch Control models only - any microprocessor and touch pad assemblies.
All models against rust. including exterior cabinet and front panels of convertible models, the exterior front panels and accessory side panel
Full Twenty-Year Warranty
First through the twentieth year
From the date of original purchase through die twentieth year, should the tub develop a water leak in normal home use. the dishwasher itself be replaced FREE OF CHARGE.
First through the twentieth year
From the date of original purchase through the twemieth year, should ti_ door liner develop a water leak in normal home use, repair or repl; merit of the door liner will be made FREE OF CHARGE.
PLEASE NOTE: These full warranties apply only when the dishwasher is located in the United States or Canada. Dishwashers located elsewl are covered by the limited warranties only, including a limited warranty for parts which fall during the first year
Canadian Residents
These warranties cover only those dishwashers installed in Canada that have been listed with Canadian Standards Association unless the d washers are brought into Canada due to transfer of residence from the United States to Canada.
The specific warranties expressed above are die ONLY warranties provided by die manufacturer. These warranties give you specific legs
rights, and you may also have other rights that vary from state to state.
To Receive Warranty Service
To locate an authorized service compan) m your area contact the Maytag dealer from whom your appliance was purchased: or call Maytag ances Sales Company, Maytag Customer Assistance at the number listed below. Should you nol receive satisfactory warranty service, please
Maytag Appliances Sales Company
Atm: CAIR TM Center
EO. Box 2370
Cleveland. TN
U.S. customers using TTY for deaf. hearing impaired or speech impaired, call
NOTE: When writing about an unsolved service problem, please include the following information: la_ Your name. address and telephone number:
(b Model number and serial number found on the upper left comer of the tub opening) of your appliance: (cl Name and address of your dealer and the date the appliance was purchased:
(d) A clear description of the problem you are having;
te_ Water hardness, detergent brand and amount, water temperature, and cycle used: /D Proof of purchase (sales receipt).
What Is Not Covered By These Warranties:
1.Conditions and damages resulting from any of the following:
a.Improper insta lation delivery, or maintenance,
b.Any repair, modification, alteration or adjustment not authorized
by the manufacturer or an authorized servicer. c. Misuse. abuse, accidents, or unreasonable use.
d. Incorrect electric current, voltage or supply, e. Improper setting of any control.
2.Warranties are void if the original serial numbers have been removed, altered, or cannot be readily determined,
3.Products purchased for commercial or industrial
4.The cost of service or service call to :
a.Correct installanon errors.
b.lnstmct the user on proper use of the produc
c.Transport the appliance to the servicer.
5. Consequential or incidental damages sustained ]
person as a result of any breach of these
Some stares do not allow the exclusion or limitat consequential or incidental damages, so the abov exclusion may not apply.
User's Guides. service manuals and parts catalogs are available from Maytag Appliances Sales Company. Maytag Customer Assrstance
MAYTAG • One Dependability Square * Newton. Iowa 50208
6 914374 D | , - | JN | Li |