1.Flatten the shipping carton (after unpacking the fryer and its parts and accessories) for surface protection during caster installation.
2.Position the side of the fryer flat on the carton, exposing the fryer bottom mounting brackets for caster installation, as shown in Figure 4.
3.Mount locking casters on the front of the fryer and fixed casters on the rear, by placing each caster mounting plate on the fryer bottom.
4.Insert one mounting bolt through the proper hole in the caster mounting plate and start it into the proper hole in the fryer mounting bracket.
5.Screw a locking nut several turns onto the mounting bolt.
6.Repeat steps 4 and 5 until all four mounting bolts for each leg are in place with locking nuts.
7.Tighten the four bolts evenly and securely to hold the caster mounting plate against the bottom of the fryer.
1.Move the fryer to its desired location.
2.Determine whether the fryer tends to wobble or rock when in its desired location. If it does, perform steps 3 through 9. If it does not, skip to step 10, then proceed to the
Installation Instructions.
The fryer MUST NOT tip, rock or wob- ble, to avoid splashing or spilling its HOT shortening contents during operation.
3. Determine which caster requires adjustment and the approximate amount of change required to level the fryer.
4. Position the side of the fryer on the ship- ping carton, exposing the bottom of the fryer (Figure 5).
5. Completely remove the bolts holding the caster mounting plate that requires leveling adjustment. Retain the bolts for later reassembly.
Figure 4. Typical Caster Installation