Franke Consumer Products FTC 922, FTC 622 manual Tavsiyeler VE Öneriler, Montaj

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Yalnιş veya eksik montajdan doğan herhangi bir zararιn sorum- luluğu üreticiye ait değildir.

Davlumbaz ile pişirici cihazιn ocak kιsmι arasιndaki minimum güvenlik mesafesi 650 mm.dir.

Besleme voltajιnιn, davlumbaz içerisine yerleştirilen bilgi etike- tinde belirtilenle aynι olup olmadιğιnι kontrol edin.

Sιnιf I elektrikli aletleri için, güç kaynağιnιn yeterli topraklamayι sağlayιp sağlamadιğιnι kontrol edin. Minimum 120 mm çapιnda bir boru yoluyla davlumbazι çιkιş bacasιna bağlayιn. Baca bağlantιsι mümkün oldu- ğunca kιsa olmalιdιr.

Davlumbaz borusunu yanιcι duman taşιyan baca deliğine (buhar kazanι, şömine, vb.) bağlamayιn.

Davlumbazιn elektrikle çalιşmayan aletlerle (örneğin; gazlι cihaz- lar) bağιntιlι olarak kullanιlmamasι halinde çιkιş gazιnιn geri tep- mesini önlemek amacιyla odada yeterli bir havalandιrma sağlanmalιdιr.Temiz hava girişini temin etmek için mutfakta doğ- rudan dιşarιya açιlan bir açιklιk bulunmalιdιr.


Davlumbaz mutfaktaki kokularιn emilmesi amacιyla evlerde kullanιm için tasarlanmιştιr.Ticari ve endüstriyel amaçlar için kullanmayιnιz.

Davlumbazι tasarlandιğι amaçlarιn dιşιnda kesinlikle kullanmayιnιz.

Davlumbaz çalιşιrken altιnda kesinlikle yüksek çιplak ateş bιrakmayιn.

Alev yoğunluğunu doğrudan tencerenin altιnda kalacak şekilde ayarlayιn, kenarlarιnι sarmadιğιndan emin olun.

Yağda kιzartma tavalarιnι kullanιrken sürekli olarak takip edin: fazla ιsιnan yağ tutuşabilir.

Davlumbaz çocuklar veya doğru kullanιm konusunda bilgisi ol- mayan kişiler tarafιndan kullanιlmamalιdιr.


Herhangi bir bakιm işlemini gerçekleştirmeden önce davlumbazι kapatιn veya fişini çιkarιn.

Filtreleri belirtilen zamanlarda temizleyin ve / veya değiştirin.

Cihazι nemli bir bez ve nötr bir sιvι deterjan kullanarak temizle- yin.

650 mm min.






Image 31
Contents Istruzioni per l’uso e l’installazione Indice Index Sommaire Inhaltsverzeichnis Içerikler Manutenzione InstallazioneConsigli E Suggerimenti USOIngombro Componenti CaratteristicheForatura Piano di supporto e Montaggio Cappa InstallazioneConnessione Elettrica ConnessioniUscita Aria Versione Aspirante Uscita Aria Versione FiltranteTasto Funzione USOIlluminazione ManutenzioneFiltri antigrasso Filtri antiodore Versione FiltranteUSE InstallationMaintenance Recommendations and SuggestionsDimensions Components CharacteristicsDrilling the Support surface and Fitting the Hood InstallationElectrical Connection ConnectionsDucting Version AIR Exhaust System Recirculation Version AIR OutletUSE Switch FunctionsLighting MaintenanceGrease filters Charcoal filter Recycling versionUtilisation Conseils ET SuggestionsEntretien Encombrement Composants CaracteristiquesPerçage du Plan de support et Montage de la Hotte Branchement Electrique BranchementsSortie AIR Version Aspirante Sortie AIR Version FiltranteTouche Functions UtilisationEclairage EntretienFiltres anti-graisse Filtres anti-odeur Version FiltranteWartung Empfehlungen UND HinweiseMontage BedienungPlatzbedarf Komponenten CharakteristikenBohren der Trägerplatte und Montage der Dunstabzugshaube MontageElektroanschluss AnschlüsseAnschluss in Abluftversion Anschluss in UmluftversionSchalter Funktion BedienungBeleuchtung WartungFettfilter Geruchsfilter UmluftversionMontaj Tavsiyeler VE ÖnerilerBoyutlar Bileşenler ÖzelliklerDestek Düzlemi Delme Planı ve Baca Montajı MontajElektrik Bağlantisi BağlantılarEmme Modelİ Hava Tahlİyesİ Fİltre Modelİnde Hava TahlİyesİDÜ ĞME İŞ Levİ KullanimIşıklandırma BakimYağ filtreleri Koku filtreleri Filtreli VersiyonPage Page Page 436003019ver2

FTC 922, FTC 622 specifications

Franke Consumer Products is renowned for its innovative kitchen and bathroom solutions, and among its impressive lineup are the FTC 622 and FTC 922 models. These kitchen taps are designed to enhance functionality while adding a sleek and modern aesthetic to any culinary space.

The FTC 622 model is characterized by its minimalist design, which is perfect for contemporary kitchens. It features a high-arc spout that provides ample clearance for large pots and pans, making it an ideal choice for busy home cooks. This model incorporates a dual-function spray head that allows users to switch between a steady stream and a powerful spray with just a button push. This versatility makes it easy to fill pots or rinse off dishes effortlessly. Additionally, the FTC 622 is equipped with a ceramic disc cartridge which ensures a smooth operation and a long-lasting leak-free experience.

On the other hand, the FTC 922 takes innovation a step further with its integrated sensor technology. This touchless tap allows users to activate water flow with a simple wave of the hand, promoting a hygienic experience while reducing water wastage. The FTC 922 also features a pull-down spray head that delivers the same dual-functionality as the FTC 622, offering both stream and spray modes to accommodate various kitchen tasks. It is equipped with a durable, easy-to-clean finish that resists fingerprints and water spots, contributing to its low-maintenance appeal.

Both the FTC 622 and FTC 922 employ Franke's advanced water-saving technologies, ensuring that users can enjoy high performance without excessive water consumption. The EcoWater technology employed in these taps helps to conserve water while still delivering optimal pressure and flow, making them an environmentally friendly choice.

In terms of installation, both models offer a straightforward process that can accommodate various sink configurations. Their robust construction guarantees durability, ensuring that these taps will withstand the rigors of daily use.

In conclusion, the Franke FTC 622 and FTC 922 models offer advanced features and technologies that enhance the kitchen experience. With their stylish designs, practicality, and focus on sustainability, these taps are perfect for modern homeowners looking to elevate their kitchen functionality while enjoying the benefits of innovative plumbing solutions. Whether one opts for the straightforward elegance of the FTC 622 or the cutting-edge technology of the FTC 922, both options reflect Franke’s commitment to quality and design excellence.