Problem solving
Problem | Possible cause | Remedy |
There are rust stains on | The salt reservoir cap | Screw the cap on firmly. |
cutlery. | was not screwed on |
| properly. |
| The affected pieces are | There is no remedy. |
| not corrosion resistant. | Only purchase dish- |
| washer safe cutlery. |
The detergent dispenser | Clogged detergent resi- | Remove the residue. |
lid does not close prop- | due is blocking the catch. |
erly |
Detergent residue is left | The dispenser was still | Check that the dispenser |
in the dispenser at the | damp when detergent | is dry before adding de- |
end of a program | was added. | tergent. |
Water remains in the |
| Before fixing the problem: |
wash cabinet at the end |
| – Turn the program |
of a program |
| selector to the “Stop” |
| position. |
| – Turn off the dishwasher |
| with the “On/Off” but- |
| ton. |
| The filter combination in | Clean the filter combina- |
| the wash cabinet is | tion, see “Cleaning and |
| clogged. | care”. |
| The drain pump and the | Clean the drain pump |
| and | |
| blocked. | “Solving problems” |
| The drain hose is kinked. | Remove the kink. |