GE DVM1950, JVM1950, JNM1951 manual Que indiquenset vdtidasparaet usade homos microondas

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Nohagarosetaso patomitasde ma[zen et microondasa no serqueest@usandoun accesorioespecialpara prepararlaso que est@empteandorosetaso patomitasde maiz

que indiquenset vdtidasparaet usade homos microondas.

Nohiervahuevosdentro de un homo microondas.Segenerar6presi6ndentrode ta yemadel huevoquecausar6queexptote pudiendo,posibtemente,daBara atguien.

Sise poneen marchael microondassintener comidaen su interiorparm6sde un minutoo dos podr[ancausarsedaBosal homoy podr[a empezarun fuego.Estohaceaumentar ta temperaturaalrededordetmagnetr6ny puede reduciretper[adode vida0titdethomo.

Deber[acortarseta "piet"externade aquettos aiimentosqueno ta tenganrata coma taspapas, salchichas,embutidos,tomates,manzanas, Ngadosde polioy dem6smenudillosde ayes

y yemasde huevos,para permitirtasatidade vapor mientrassecocinan.


Uquidos,talescomaagua,caf_,o t_,sepodrfan sobrecafentarmdsoff4defpuntode ebufficbn sinparecerqueestdnhirviendo.Nosiempre

hobrdburbujoso evidenciode queel tfquido estd hirviendocuandoseextroeel envoseconel


Parareducirelriesgode lesionespersonates:


-Muevael l[quidotanto antescomaa mediados del tiempode catentamiento.

-Nouseenvasesde tadosrectoscon cuettos estrechos.

-Despu_sdelcatentamiento,permitaqueel envasepermanezcaen elmicroondaspar un tiempo corto antesde removeretenvase.

-Usecuidadoextremocuandoinserteuna cucharau otro utensilioen el envase.

Lascomidascocinadasen tiquidos(coma ta pasta)puedentenercierta tendenciaa herw m6sr6pidamentequelosatimentos quecontenganmenoshumedad.Siesto

ocurre,revisetasecci6nde Cuidadoy limpieza dethomo microondasdondeencontrar6

instruccionesen cuanto a tatimpiezadetinterior detmicroondas.

Nocatientetacomida detbeb@enjarras de cristal,inclusosi est6ndestapadas.Aseg@ese de que losatimentosde losni_osest@nbien cocinados.Remuevatacomida para distribuir etcator de forma pareja.Tengacuidadode queel ni_ono sequemeat catentarta teche de f6rmula.Elcontenedorpuedeparecermds friode toque realmenteest6taf6rmuta.Pruebe siempreta f6rmutaantesde ddrsetaat beb@.

Nodescongetebebidascongetadasen botettas

de cuettoestrecho(especiatmentebebidas carbonatadas)Induso. con etcontenedor

abierto,podriagenerarseun aumentode presi6n.Estopuedecausarque etcontenedor exptote,to cuatpodriaproducirda_os personates.

Losatimentoscalientesy et vapor pueden causarquemaduras.Tengacuidadoat abrir cuatquiercontenedorcon comidacatiente, inclusobolsasde rosetaso patomitasde maiz, balsaso cajasde cocinar.Paraprevenirposibtes da_ospersonates,mantengaet vapor atejado de susmanosy rostra.

Nococinedemasiadotaspapas.Podrian deshidratarsee incendiarse,causandoda_osa su homo.

Cocinetacamey elpolioparcompteto-ta camehastaqueatcanceunatemperatura minimaINTERIORde160°F,y etpoliohasta unatemperaturaINTERNAminimade180°F. Cuandosecocinanaestastemperaturasse




Image 39
Contents Or exposure to excessive microwave energy Microwave oven could result in injury ManualArcing Save These Instructions s Testing and a glass Measuring cupFilled with 1 cup MICROWAVE-SAFE Cookware Filter Kits Vent FANAbout the features of your oven Control Panel Removable Turntable. Do ToDEACTIVATEthe Power Saver EnergySaverFeature ToACTIVATEthe Power Saver EnergySaverFeatureConvenience Features PressEnter About the cooking features of yourAdd 30 Sec About the time featuresTime Cook Express CookDefrosting Tips About the time featuresTime Defrost DefrostFood Time Defrosting GuideAuto Defrost About Convenience featuresIb Quick Defrost Conversion MyPyramidpad FeatureSoftenMelt About the sensor microwave featuresFamily Snacks Soften/Melt on some modelsSteam About the sensor microwave featureSuccession on the same food portion--it Oonotutheshefswhen micmwocookingReheot SomeFoodsNot Recommendedfor Use With ReheatHumidity Sensor What happens when using the Sensor FeaturesWarm 1 Keeping food warm softening butter Express CookStart/Pause Surface LightControl Lock-Out Turntable On/Off TimerBeeper Volume To cancel, press the Timer on/off buttonAutomatic Fan Display LanguageAuto Nite Light Do not clean in a self-cleaningoven Care and cleaninq of the ovenHow to Clean the Inside Shelves Clean with mild soap and water or inthe dishwasherDoor Seal Careand cleaninq of the ovenStainless Steel on some models Plastic Color PanelsHow to Usethe Shelf When Microwaving Shelf on some modelsShelf and Reheating Charcoalfilter on some models Replacinq the liqht bulbVent Fan Reusable Vent FiltersRemoving and Cleaning the Filters To Remove the Charcoal FilterTo remove the charcoal filter, first disconnect Things That Are Normal With About the exhaust featureTo Install the Charcoal Filter Toinstall a new charcoal filter, removeBefore you coilfor service Before VOUcall for service Defective part For The Period GEWill Replace One YearFrom the date Orignal purchaseSchedule Parts and AccessoriesReal Life Design Cambio de bombillas 17-20 Funci6n de extractor 12-15 Tiempo de Cocci6n 28-30Funci6n MyPyramid Funciones del microondasUNA Excesiva Energa DE Microondas IPRECAUCIONParareduciretriesgode incendioen taapertura dethomo Manual del PropietarioEl arco eldctrico se produce cuando IPRECAUCINNodescongetebebidascongetadasen botettas Que indiquenset vdtidasparaet usade homos microondasDe medircon 237 mt Sino est6seguro Usodei estanteaccesorio De queun platoEstantey los utensiliosde cocina.Podrian Elplatoque est Estarcalientes Probandoy un vasoConectadoa SigaestasnormasEste DebeestarAccesorioscontienedos panetesde retteno de Utensitiosde cocinade tamao adecuadoDisponibles en su distribuidor GEpar un costa adicional JX52WH--Blanco JX52BL--NegroPanel de control Funciones del homoEnergiafen algunos modelos Las funciones de su homoFunciones Convenientes PresioneIngresar Acerca de las funciones de cocci6nControles de Cocci6n De su homo microondasAdd 30 Sec Agregar 30 segundos Acerca de las funciones del temporizadorAcerca de las funciones Consejos para la Oescongelad6nLascomidasde tamaofamiliarempaquetadas Comidatiempo Guia de Descongelaci6nSobre las funciones convenientes Sabre la funci6n MyPlate.qov MyPyramid Ill presionelateclaMyPlate.govMyPyramidUe se indique de otra manera Soften/MeltAblandar/Derretirenalgunos Modelos Acerca de las funciones del microondas con sensorFamilySnacksRefrigeriosFamiliares SoftenfenalgunosmodelosPresioneSTARTIniciarparainiciartacocci6n Steam VaporParausarta funci6nde PopcornPatomitasde Haiz Popcorn Palomitas de MainNoutiticelasFuncionesde Sensordos veces No satgay causarque tacomidasecocine demasiadoHumedadque seconviertenen vapor pueden engaarat sensor Acerca de cSmo modificar el nivel de potencia CookC6mo Modificar el Nivel de Potencia Surface Light Luz Superficial Acerca del resto de las funcionesVelocidad de la Pantalla Volumen del PitidoPresioneet bot6nSettingsConfiguraciones SeteccioneONEncendidou OFFApagedo segOnseindiqueVentiladordela Ventilaci6n Cuidado y limpieza del homo Conseospr6cticosC6mo limpiar el interior El rondo Elpanel de controlPanelde puerta Panelespl4sticos de colorNOguarde elestantedel homo dentro del homo microondas Estante en alqunos modelosLEstante y Recalentado Estante en algunos modelosJVentilador extractor La funci6n de extractorCambio de bombillas Filtros de extractor reutilizablesLevanteel fittrode laparte inferiorhastaquese C6moQuitar y Limpiar los FiltrosFiltros de carb6n vegetal C6mo quitar el filtro de carb6n vegetalCosas normales de su horno Antes de Ilamar al servicio de reparacionesMicroondas C6mo instalar el filtro de carb6n vegetalAntes de Ilamar al servicio de reparaciones La luzde lacocina est6 ubicada Retacionadopara reemptazartaspartesdefectuosas Para el Periodo de GE Cambiar6 Un AoDe la fecha de la Compra originalProgramacidndelServicioTcnico GEApUiances Real Life Design StudioEstudio de diseho para la vida real

JNM1951, JVM1950, DVM1950 specifications

The GE DVM1950, JVM1950, and JNM1951 are three prominent microwave oven models produced by General Electric, designed to provide advanced cooking technology while ensuring convenience and efficiency in the kitchen. Each model showcases a unique combination of features and specifications catering to different culinary needs.

The GE DVM1950 is a high-performance over-the-range microwave that combines functionality with an attractive design. One of its standout features is its capacity, accommodating a significant amount of food for reheating and cooking, making it ideal for larger households. The DVM1950 includes the innovative sensor cooking technology, which automatically adjusts cooking times and power levels based on the moisture released from food. This feature ensures perfectly cooked meals without the guesswork of manually setting time and temperature.

In terms of convenience, the DVM1950 comes with a built-in exhaust fan, offering multiple venting options to keep the kitchen area smoke-free and odorless. The microwave also features a user-friendly control panel with a variety of preset cooking modes, including options for popcorn, reheating, and defrosting, allowing for easy operation.

The JVM1950, a similar countertop model, is engineered with the same focus on performance and user comfort. Its powerful cooking capabilities are complemented by a spacious interior, making it suitable for a wide range of dishes. The JVM1950 includes the coveted True European Convection technology, which provides an even cooking experience by optimizing heat distribution.

Integrating advanced technology, the JVM1950 has the one-touch cooking feature, simplifying meal preparation with pre-programmed settings for popular foods. Another notable characteristic is its sleek design, which fits well in modern kitchen aesthetics while maximizing functionality.

Lastly, the GE JNM1951 is a versatile countertop microwave designed for those seeking an efficient, space-saving cooking solution. It shares several features with its counterparts, emphasizing user convenience through its easy-to-navigate control panel, which includes a wide array of quick-set options.

All three models are equipped with GE’s signature turntable technology, ensuring even cooking results by rotating food during the heating process. Additionally, they are designed with eco-friendly features, including energy-saving modes, contributing to sustainable kitchen practices.

Overall, the GE DVM1950, JVM1950, and JNM1951 stand as exemplary choices in the realm of microwave ovens, catering to diverse cooking needs while emphasizing advanced technology, ease of use, and year-round reliability.