GE 49-4540, JBP87GD manual FindElectric ’1w these cm%

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h’1w these cm%

ALABAMA Birmingham -35210 2500 Crestwood Boulevard (205) 956-0333

(Decatur-Huntsville) Huntsville -35805

1209 Putnam Drive

(205) 830-0150

Mobile -36606

110’7 Beltline Highway So. (205) 471-1451

ARIZONA Phoenix -85031

25 South 51st Avenuo P.O. BOX 14278


Tucson -85705

2015 North Forbes Blvd. Suite 111



Little Rock -72209

8405 New Benton Hwy.

(501) 568-7630


(San Bernardino-Riverside) Bloomington -92316 10121 Cactus Avenue (714) 877-3434

(San Francisco) Burlingame -94010 1649 Adrian Road (415) 961-8760

Fresno -93727

1809 North Helm Street

(209) 255-1851

Los Angeles -90058

2815 East 46th Street

(213) 585-5480

Sacramento -95825 1721 Bell Street (916) 929-2247

San Diego -92101

3554 Kettner Boulevard

(714) 297-3221

San Jose -95123

5761-B Winfield Blvd.

(408) 629-3500

Van Nuys -91405

6843 Lennox Avenue

(213) 989-5710


Colorado Springs -80909 1865 N. Academy - Suite B (303) 597-6492

Denver -60207

5390 East 39th Avenue

(303) 320:3301

CONNECTICUT Bridgeport -06504

615 North Washington Ave.

(203) 367-5311

East Hartford -06108

265 Prestige Park, Plaza 3

(203) 528-9811

DELAWARE (Brandywine - Wilmington) Glen Mills, PA -19342 R.D. #2. BOX 210

(215) 358-1500

Di$TRICT OF COLUMBIA Jessup, MD -20794-0110 8201 Stayton Drive

P.O. BOX 127

(301) 953-9130


Fort Lauderdale -33309

1101 West fvfcNab Road

(305) 974-6706

Fort Meyers -33901

1910 Courtney Dr.

(813) 93S-2812

Jacksonville -32205

5226 Highway Avenue {904) 783-1330

(Pompano-W. Palm EMsich) Lake Worth -33460

1802 Madrid Avenue

(305) 655-7040

Miami -33167

3200 N.W. llOth Street

(305) 685-5144

Orlando -32807

6545 East Colonial Dr.

(305) 273-6370

Tallahassee -32301

1205 South Adams St.

(904) 222-6931

Tampa -33611

5201 S. Westshore Blvd. Box 13706- Interbav Station

(813) 837-1906 -

GEORGIA Atlanta -30325 1695 Marietta Blvd. P.O. Box 19917 (404) 352-6000

Savannah -31406

211 Television Circle


HAWAII Honolulu -96813 404 Cooke Street


IDAHO (Boise)

Garden City -83704 5250 Chinden Blvd.


lLLiNOiS Champaign -61820 1205 North Hagen





5600 West 73rd Street

(312) 594-2424


Elk Grove Village -60007

10 King



(312) 593-2525








(312) 629-8010

Peoria -61614

7708 North Crestiine Drive

(309) 692-5070

Rockford -61107

401 North 2nd Street

(615) 962-7200

Sprin field -62702

2252 8 outh 15th Street


iNUiANA Evansville -47714

1016-K S. Weinbach Ave.


Fort Wayne -46808

4632 Newaygo Road

(219) 484-9005

Gary -46409

5185 Broadway

(219) 961-2533

Indianapolis -46219

6233 Brookville Road

(317) 356-8861

South Bend -46613

1902 Miami Street

(219) 288-0685


Cedar Rapids -52405 118 First Street, NtW, (319) 368-8!579

Davenport -52802

1074 South Dittmer P.0, BOX 3186

(319) 326-5101

Des Moines -50313 1637 N.E. 58th Avenue (515) 266-2191

Waterloo -50703

2829 Falls Avenue

(319) 236-1393


Kansas City -66115 2949 Chrysler Road (913) 371-2242

Wichita -67211

820 East Indianapolis

(316) 267-3366

KENTUCKY Lexington -40505 1144 Floyd Drive {606) 255-0848

Louisville -40218 4421 Bishop Lane P.O. BOX 32130



Baton Rouge -70814 2935 Crater Lake Drive


(New Orleans)

Harahan -70123

701 Edwards Avenue

(504) 733-7901

Shreveport -71102

1430 Dalzell Street



South Portland -04106 54 Darling Avenue



Salisbury -21801

Twiily Centre

329 Civic Avenue

(301) 742-3900

Jessup -20794-0110

8201 Stayton Drive

P.O. Box 127


MASSACHUSETTS (Cape Cod) Hyannis -02601

80 Enterprise - Unit 11


Pittsfield -01201 1450 East Street


(Boston-South) Westwood -02090

346 University Avenue

(617) 329-1250

(Boston-North) Woburn -01801

57 Commerce Way



Grand Rapids -49506 350 26th Street, S,E,


Lansing -46912

1004 E. Michigan Ave,

(517) 464-2561

Troy -46084

1150 Rankln

(313) 583-1616

Westland -48185

953 Manufacturer’s Drive


MINNESOTA (Mirrneapolis-St. Paul] Edina -55435

7450 Metro Boulevard



Jackson -39209 32fi industrial Drive

(601) 352-3371


Kansas Citv. KS -66115 2949 Chrys%r Road (913) 371-2242

St. Louis -63178

1355 Warson Road, No, P.C). Box 14553

(314) 993-6200

Springfield -65607

1334 West Sunshine

(417) 831-0511


Lincoln -68503

1145 North 47th St.

(402) 464-9148

Omaha -68117

6636 “F”Street

(402) 331-4045


Las Vegas - 89IO9 3347 S. Highland Dr. Suite 1

(702) 733-1500

Reno -89511

6465 S. Virginia Street


NEW JERSEY Mount Holly -08060 Route 38 & Easlick Ave.


North Caldwell -07006

5 Fairfield Road

(201) 256-8850

(Asbury Park)

Oakhurst -07712

2111 Highway 35

(201) 493-2100

Vineland -08360

749 North Delsea Drive

(609) 696-1506


Albuquerque -87107

3334 Princeton Dr., N.E.


NEW YORK Albany -12205

2 Interstate Avenue


Brooklyn -11234

5402 Avenue “N”

(212) 253-8181

Buffalo -14225

3637 Union Road

(716) 666-2266

(Westchester Co, Area) Elmsford -10523 Fairview Industrial Pk, Route #9-A

(914) 592-4330

Flushing -11354

133-30 39th Avenue

(212) 885-5600

(Binghamton) Johnson City -13790 278 Main Street (607) 729-9246

(Nassau-Suffolk County) Melville -11747

336 South Service Road

(516) 293-0700

(Orange County Area) Newbur h -12550

1136 Un7on Avenue

(914) 564-2000

Rochester -14622

1900 Ridge Road East

(716) 544-7100

Ronkonkoma -11779 76 Union Avenue (516) 467-7700

Syracuse -13204

965 West Genesee Street


NORTH CAROLINA Charlotte -28234

700 Tuckaseegee Road P,O. BOX 34396


Greensboro -27406

2918 Baitic Avenue

(919) 272-7153

Raleigh -27604

2013 New Hope

Church Road

(919) 676-5603


Akron -44319

2262 S, Arlington Road

(216) 773-0361

Cincinnati -45242

10001 Alliance Road

(513) 745-5500

Cleveland -44142

20600 Sheldon Road

(216) 362-4200

Coiurnbus -43212

1155 West Fifth Avenue

(614) 294-256’1

Dayton -45414

5701 Webster Street

(513) 898-7600

Toledo -43611

3300 Summit Street

(419) 729-1651

OKLAHOMA Oklahoma City -73118 3226 North Santa FQ P,O. BOX 18669 (405) 528-23f?l

Tulsa -74112

6913 East 13th

(916) 835-9526

OREGON (Portland Area) Beaverton -97005 14305 S.W. Millikan Way (503) 646-1176

Eugene -97402

1492 West Sixth Street


PENNSYLVANIA (Brandywine-Wilmington) Glen Miils -19342 R.D, #2, BOX 210


Johnstown -15905

214 Westwood Shopping PI,

(814) 255-6721

(Harrisburg) Camp Hill -17011 2133 Market Street (717) 761-8,185

Monroeville -15146 150 Seco Road Monroevilie Industrial Park (412) 665-3700

Philadelphia -19115

9900 Global Road

(215) 698-3270

(Alientown) Whitehall -16052 1906 MacArthur Road (215) 437-9671


East Providence -02914 1015 Water,man Avenue


SOUTH CAROLINA Columbia -29602 825 Bluff Road Box 1210


Myrtle Beach -29577

702 Sea Board Street

Sea Board Industrial Park (803) 626-7411

N. Charleston -29405

7325-B Associate Drive Pepperdan Industrial Park (803) 552-5193

(Greenville) Taylors -29687

25 Hampton Village

(603) 292-0830

TENNESSEE Chattanooga -37403 613 East 1lth Street (615) 265-8596

Johnson City -37601 2912 Bristol Highway


Knoxviiie -37919

3250 Mynatt Street, N.W,


Memphis -38118

3770 South Perkins

(901) 363-1141

Nashville -37204

3607 Trousdale


TEXAS Austin -78704

2610 S. First Street


Corpus Christi -78415 3225 Ayers Street (512) 664-4897

Dallas -75247

8949 Diplomacy Row P.O. BOX 47601 (214) 631-1360

El Paso -79925

7600 Boeing Drive

(915) 778-5361

(Brownsville) Harlingen -78550 1204 North Seventh (512) 423-1204

Houston -77207

P.O. BOX 26637

2425 Broad Street

(713) 641-0311

Lubbock -79490

4623 Loop 289 West P.O. filox 16286 (806) 793-1620

(Odessa) Midland -79701 P.O. Box 6266 Midland Terminal (915) 563-3483

San Antonio -78216 7822 Jones-Maltsberger (512) 227-7531


Salt Lake City -84125 2425 South 900 West P.@. Box 30904


VIRGiNiA Fairfax -22031 2810 Dorr Avenue


Norfolk -23502

4552 E. Princess Anne Dr.

(804) 857-5937

Richmond -23228

2910 Hungary Spring Rd.

(804) 288-6221

WaShingtOn (Tri-City) Kennewick -99336 Union Squere Suite 206

101 North Union Street

(509) 783-7403

Seattle -98188

401 Tukwila Parkway

(208) 575-2711

SDokane -99206

9624 E. Montgomery St.


WEST ViRGiNiA (Charleston) Huntington -25704 1217 Adams Avenue P.0, Box 7518


Wheeling - 26C!W3

137 North River Road

(304) 283-8511

WiSCONSIN Appleton -54911

343 W. Wisconsin Ave.

(414) 731-9514

Miiwaukee -53225

11100 W, Silver Spring Rd.

(414) 462-9225

WATCH FOR CHANGES. Addresses and teleptlone numbers sometimes change, And new Centers open. If the numbers change, check your

telephone book Look in the White Pages under “GENEHAL ELECTRIC COMPINY” OR “GENERAL ELECTRIC FACTORYSER~lCE.”



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Image 25
Contents Energy saving l-ips-~~~~~~~~~~~~~v~~ To get the best performance from your range ThisuseandcarePage Page Page Indicator Light for Surface Cooking Areas Time Uses To setckd’To set ‘T’irnerSeeimmgeTopcookingchartonpages18&79 Tips CareOvert See Cm@ cmpage IICN5J’tosetFor Frozen SeeRoasting chart on BxJqeImd Answers Qt’iestkmsandAnswers SeeEh’oiihcllchart OlnlDaaeSTEEPt OvenTurn Oven SET Knob to OFF Lamp HowRxxii Is Not Eh3kirIgProperly Food is Not Roasting ProperlyOven WWiUNot SeWClear9 Oven Door Won’t Latch20ritro! !hoim Range Top Broiler Pm and RackOutside Finish Gemmd Directions70tcooktopirrrrned’ately ##- ‘Ea Settingto Cemphxe Comments OwnMinutes per Pound Type Oven Doneness ApproximateRoasting TimeTo 5=llbs To tldbs 24-30 18-2231/2 Second Side Time, Min. Comments BaconGround Beef Beef SteaksFindElectric ’1w these cm% Replacement Parts If you need service Iiterahwe Or aecesscwk3s,contact oneTodo MYOIJINeed SerwiceNo A725 P65 ’3 B%1 ‘~’~

49-4540, JBP87GD specifications

The GE JBP87GD,49-4540 is an innovative electric range that exemplifies efficiency, style, and advanced cooking technology. Designed to meet the needs of modern households, this range combines convenience with high performance, making it an excellent choice for aspiring chefs and busy families alike.

One of the standout features of the GE JBP87GD is its versatile cooking capacity. It is equipped with four radiant cooking elements that provide adjustable heat levels to accommodate various cooking methodologies. The 8-inch and 6-inch burners facilitate everything from delicate simmering to rapid boiling, ensuring that users can cook multiple dishes simultaneously without compromising quality.

The oven is a highlight of this electric range, showcasing a spacious interior that can hold multiple racks and various baking sheets. Its ability to maintain even heat distribution is enhanced by the advanced bake technology, which ensures that foods are cooked to perfection. The self-cleaning feature is another convenient aspect, allowing users to maintain the oven’s cleanliness with minimal effort. This feature utilizes high heat to burn off food residues, simplifying the cleaning process significantly.

In addition to its core cooking functionalities, the GE JBP87GD range incorporates cutting-edge technology such as the precise temperature control system, which provides accurate heat settings for consistent cooking results. The oven’s digital temperature display allows users to monitor and adjust settings with ease, further enhancing the user experience.

The design of the GE JBP87GD is equally impressive; it features a sleek and modern stainless-steel finish that adds a touch of elegance to any kitchen. The control panel is user-friendly with easy-to-read knobs and a convenience of having a built-in timer, making it simple to track cooking times.

Furthermore, safety is a top priority with this electric range. It includes features like a safety lock for the oven and an automatic shut-off option, ensuring peace of mind during cooking.

In conclusion, the GE JBP87GD,49-4540 electric range is a well-rounded kitchen appliance that combines style, safety, and superior cooking capabilities. With its user-friendly features, advanced cooking technology, and sleek design, it stands out as a reliable option for anyone looking to enhance their cooking experience. Whether baking, broiling, or simmering, the GE JBP87GD is equipped to meet all culinary needs, making it an asset in any modern kitchen.