WORmS~ti’mSmUCmONS ~~•
R-d W ti~tio~ kfom m @ appfimm
~ntigel~da~limm~bmicstie~ ‘
precautionsshodd~fo~qw@ including the
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fouowing: ., ,. “
. u~:this Coobp Ody for its ‘@tended use ,’
~ “ as descrii in this use and care tide.
●Be sure your apphce is pro~”fly _ed and ~unded by a qualified technician in accordance with the provided initiation instructions.
o Do not assume that you know how to operati ~parts of the cooWp. Some features may work differently horn those on your previous cooktop.
●Do not attempt to repair or repbce any part of your coo~p tiess it is specifitiy recommended in this guide. M other servicing shodd be referred to a qu~led technician.
●Have the instier show you the location of the circuit
s Do not leave ~dren done or unattended wMe the cooWop units m in operation. They coddby seriously burnd
*Do not a~ow anyone to *b, stand or hang on the coo~p.
*MUTfON: _ OF ~m mm SHO~ NOT BE ~RED M ~=
o Never wear 1OOS*- or hanging garments wMe us@ the cootiop. Be careti when reaching for items stored over the cooktop. _ble material Wd be ignited if brought in contact with hot surfam and may cause severe bums.
●Use otiy dry pot holde~oist or damp pot holders on hot surfaces may restit in burns from
steam. Do not let potholders touch hot surfa~ units. Do not use a towel or other b~ cloths in
place ofapot holder.
. For your Safetyj never use your apphce for warming or heating the room.
●Keep the vent me and the grease ~ters clean to maintain good venting and to avoid gr~ fires.
*Do not let cookg grease or other
. DO not store _ble materi~ n~ the ~,
coobp. Donotstore oruse combustible ~ . maten~, gasotie or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance.
*Do not use wakr on
Earning grease outside a pan can be put out by covering with baking soda or, if av~able, by using a
●Do not heat unopened food contiers. Pressure cotid btidup and the container could burst musing an injury.
. Do not touch the stice units. These surfaces may be hot enough to burn even though they are dark in coIor. During and after use, donottouc~ or let clothing or other flammable materials
contact surfa& units or areas nearby surface unib; – Wow stilcient time for coohg, first.
Potenti~y hot surfaw include the cooktop, removable moddes, accessoties and areas facing the cooktop.
●Use proper pan stieIect cookware having flat bottoms large enough to cover the surface unit heating element The use of understied cookware wi~ expose a portion of the surface unit to direct contact and may result in ignition of clothing. Proper relationship of cookware 40 the surface unit W rdso improve efficiency.
●Never leave the surface units unattended at high heat settings. Boilovers cause smoking and greasy sptiovers that may catch on fue.
●Be sure the drip pans (on coti rnoddes ody) are not covered and are in phce. Their absence during cooking codd damage cooktop parts and wiring.
. Do not use aluminum fofl to he the coohp tubs, reff@or pq @ or griddle. Misuse codd restit in a shock fire