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WDC30D specifications

The Thermador WDC30D is a state-of-the-art wine refrigerator designed for enthusiasts who value both functionality and aesthetics in their wine storage solutions. With a sleek, modern design, the WDC30D not only enhances the beauty of any room but also offers impeccable wine preservation technology.

One of the standout features of the Thermador WDC30D is its dual-zone temperature control. This allows wine lovers to store both red and white wines at their optimal temperatures, ensuring that each bottle is ready to be served at its best. The upper zone typically ranges from 41°F to 65°F, perfect for whites, while the lower zone accommodates reds, maintaining temperatures from 45°F to 65°F. This flexibility makes it ideal for those who enjoy a variety of wines.

The WDC30D can hold up to 30 bottles, making it a practical choice for collectors and casual drinkers alike. The adjustable shelves are crafted from wood and are designed to accommodate different bottle sizes, including larger formats. Additionally, the shelves glide effortlessly in and out, allowing for easy access and personalization of favorite selections.

In terms of technology, the WDC30D is equipped with a quiet, efficient compressor that not only maintains consistent temperatures but also helps to minimize vibrations. This is crucial, as vibrations can disturb the sediment in wine and affect its aging process. The wine refrigerator also features advanced humidity control, ensuring that the moisture levels remain ideal for preserving cork integrity and preventing drying.

Another noteworthy characteristic is the UV-resistant glass door, designed to protect the wine from harmful light exposure while providing a stylish view of the interior. The integrated LED lighting gently illuminates the wine selection, allowing users to showcase their collection without increasing the internal temperature.

The user-friendly electronic controls and digital display make it easy to monitor and adjust settings as needed. Moreover, the appliance is designed to be energy efficient, meeting modern standards while providing robust wine preservation capabilities.

In summary, the Thermador WDC30D wine refrigerator combines elegance, efficiency, and cutting-edge technology to deliver a wine storage solution that meets the needs of any wine enthusiast. With its spacious layout, dual-zone functionality, and stylish design, it stands out as a premium choice for preserving and enjoying the finest wines.