Alto-Shaam Explore the Low Temperature Cooking and Holding Solutions in Our Official 500-TH/III Manual

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ITEM NO. _______________________

500- TH/




HALO HEAT . . . a co ntrolled, u niform h eat s ource t hat maintains clo se temp erature


tolerances through out t he co oking an d holding fu nction. Of fers un iform an d


consisten t cooking on a daily ba sis, lo w shrinkage o f bu lk or portion-cut pr otei n


item s, higher food m oisture c ontent, a nd s ignificantly lo nger holding lif e.


Cooks, roasts, re-hea ts, a nd holds in th e s ame cabinet w ith s et-and-f orget con trols to


provide a b etter dist ribution of wo rk lo ads.

Cooks b y tim e o r by pro be t o s ense in ternal product t emperature a nd autom atically con verts


from cook m ode to hold m ode o nce t he set p arameters hav e b een rea ched.

Oven hoods, outside ven ting, and fi re extinguisher sy stems a re not req uired (IN MOST AREAS).


Emissio n of grea se lad en ai r a re le ss th an U .L. es tablished s tandards.

Eight programmable men u bu ttons s tores f avorite recipes in to mem ory


(COOK/HOLD/TIME/PROBE SET-POINTS). Reduces operational requirements to s imply l oading


the oven, push ing the po wer bu tton, t he pre set me nu b utton, and sta rt.

Clea r, easy-to -read LED di splay in dicates co ok time r emaining o r the full ran ge of


programmed opera ting pa rameters.

When cooking by probe , th e o ven ma intains a r ecord o f t he hi ghest an d low est t empera tures


sensed by the food prob e to a ssure f oods are co oked to th e t emperature required.

Oven includes the pate nted S ureTempheat recovery system to assure immediate


compensati on fo r a ny h eat l oss w henever th e d oor i s o pened an d p rovides an au dibl e


reminder if the door ha s be en left open for more than three m inutes.

Antimicrobial hand le re tards the grow th of il lness -causing pathogens .

Single compartment oven with 20 gau ge, non-magne tic sta inles s steel exterior and door with magneti c door latc h.

Oven is equipp ed with two (2) stain less steel side racks wit h eleven (11) pan posit ions spa ced on 1-3 /8" (35mm) cent ers ,

two (2) stain less stee l wire she lves, one (1) stainl ess steel drip pan with drai n, and one (1) externa l drip tra y. Oven

includ es one (1) set of 3-1/2" (89mm)

casters — 2 rig id, and 2 swive l with bra ke.

Electro nic control consists of a 4 digit

L.E.D. disp lay, ON/OFF key; cook tempe rature key with an adjus tabl e cook range*

from 200°F to 325°F (93°C to 162°C); time control key with set-points from 1 minute to 24 hours; probe cont rol key with

adjustab le set-points betw een 50°F and 195°F (10°C to 91°C); and hold tempera ture key with an adjust able hold range

from 60°F to 205°F (15°C to 96°C) . Control includes eigh t (8) programm able menu keys with locking capability along

with the ability to set individual cook and hold paramet ers; hold mode count-up timer, indi cator light s for operati on

status; and start key. The control has a built-in

lock out feature and is equipped with a voltage conversi on feature to

match the line voltage provid ed by the electric

power supplier.

MODEL 500-TH/III:Low temperatur e cook and h old oven wit h e lect ronic co ntrol.




Righ t-han d d oor s wing i s s tand ard.


■ ➥Spec ify le ft-hand door as a s pecial orde r.


Cookin g t her mostat li mit set at 250 °F for


restricted areas of t he U.S .A.


■ ➥Spec ify on o rder as required.


Solid door is st andard. S pecify door wi th


wind ow as a spe cial o rder.


Right-ha nd door wi th w ind ow. [15855 R]


Left-h and do or w ith wi ndo w. [15857 R]



Optiona l HACCP Do cume ntat ion web- bas ed softwa re


provi des the abili ty to monitor , store , and pri nt a ll


relevant da ta.

Optiona l HACCP with Kitchen Mana gem ent web- based


soft ware pro vides the abili ty to p rogra m, contr ol,


mon itor, and store all relev ant data.






Stacka ble Design






500-TH/II I Cookin g & Hol ding Ove n c an be sta cked


wit h an i denti cal ove n or a 500- S H olding Ca binet.


Order appro priat e s tac king hard ware .


5-Year Limited




on all cook and hold


heating elements




W164 N9221 Water Street • P.O. Box 450 • Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin 53052-0450 • U.S.A.


PHONE : 262.251.3800



FAX : 262.251.7067



PR INT ED I N U . S . A .






#310 - 01/08

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Contents Additional Features Factory Installed OptionsOptions & Access ORI ES WeightELE CTR IC AL CA PAC IT Y
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500-TH/III specifications

The Alto-Shaam 500-TH/III is a revolutionary cooking and holding solution designed for foodservice professionals who demand versatility, efficiency, and exceptional food quality. This model stands out in the crowded market of commercial kitchen equipment, combining innovative technology with user-friendly features to enhance productivity.

One of the main features of the 500-TH/III is its advanced Cook & Hold technology. This system allows operators to prepare food in advance and maintain it at the ideal temperature without compromising texture, flavor, or moisture. With this technology, chefs can cook large quantities of meats, vegetables, and other dishes, and then hold them at consistent temperatures for extended periods. This capability reduces waste and ensures that food is served at its best, catering to the needs of high-volume establishments.

The Alto-Shaam 500-TH/III is equipped with a digital control interface that simplifies operation. The intuitive controls enable precise temperature settings and a variety of cooking modes, allowing for customization based on specific requirements. This interface makes it easy for kitchen staff to monitor cooking progress and adjust parameters quickly, resulting in improved efficiency during busy service hours.

Another significant characteristic of this model is its robust construction, featuring a stainless-steel exterior and an insulation system that minimizes energy consumption while maximizing heat retention. This design not only ensures durability but also contributes to a more sustainable kitchen environment, lowering operating costs associated with energy consumption.

In addition to its efficient cooking capabilities, the 500-TH/III emphasizes food safety. It incorporates a unique Halo Heat technology, which surrounds food with a consistent, gentle heat. This method not only helps to preserve the quality of food but also eliminates hotspots, ensuring that every dish is cooked thoroughly and safely.

Moreover, the Alto-Shaam 500-TH/III offers a spacious cooking capacity, allowing for large batches of food to be prepared simultaneously. This feature is essential for busy kitchens that need to serve a high volume of meals without sacrificing quality or service speed.

In summary, the Alto-Shaam 500-TH/III combines innovative cooking technologies with user-friendly features. It is designed to meet the needs of modern foodservice operations, emphasizing efficiency, food safety, and superior quality. Operators looking for a reliable, versatile, and energy-efficient solution will find this model to be an invaluable addition to their kitchen arsenal.