Quick Install Guide
This chapter is a quick reference for the setup and configuration of the DL3800E Inverse Multiplexer (see Figure 1-1). Please note that not all configuration items will be discussed, because this chapter only serves to get you up and running.
Figure 1-1 DL3800E Inverse Multiplexer (front panel)
Equipment Needed
•Terminal or PC, with DE-9 port, that will emulate an ANSI VT100
•DL3800E E1 Inverse Multiplexer product (various ports)
•The DL3000E comes either with BNC or 120 ohm
•DE-9 cable (plug-socket) 154-00050-01 (Model DL1081) or equivalent.
•DA-15 (plug) to RJ-48 (plug) for E1 connections 155-00011-01 (Model DL1033) or equivalent.
•HSSI or 155-10082-01 (HSSI) (Model DL1404-10) or equivalent
•M-34 to DB-25 cables (v. 35) or 155-00903-01 (v. 35) (Model DL1300-10, or equivalent
•DC-37 to DB-25 (RS-449) 155-00902-01 (RS449) (Model DL1302-10) or equivalent
•X.21+DB-25 (X.21) 155-00907 (DL1314-10) and 155-00907-12 (DL1314-50) (Model ID1314-10 and -50) or equivalent