An EIA specified physical interface, with associated electrical signaling, between data circuit terminating equipment (DCE) and data terminating equipment (DTE).
A common
RTS(Request to Send)
A signal sent by DTE to DSU/CSU indicating DTE has data ready to transmit.
SCR (Serial Clock Receive)
A unipolar clock from the DCE signal. A data port signal.
SCT (Serial Clock Transmit)
A unipolar clock from the DCE signal. A data port signal.
SCTE (Serial Clock Transmit External)
The clock signal is echoed from the DTE for the purpose of timing incoming data on long cable runs.
A device or software program that encodes data for encryption. It distorts a voice or data conversation so that only another like device can figure out the content of the message.
SD (Send Data)
A signal from DTE to DSU/CSU.
secondary channel
A subchannel derived from the main channel. It does not carry data messages and is used for diagnostic or supervisory purposes.
serial transmission
A sequential transmission of bits constituting an entity of data over a data circuit.
SES (Severely Errored Second)
A second during which 320 or more CRC violations or OOF events have occurred (ESF framing only).
DL3800E Inverse Multiplexer User’s Guide — July 9, 2001 |