| AIS DET | Alarm Indication Signal Detected — Net |
| Port detects an unframed continuous |
| stream of binary ones. |
| AIS | Alarm Indication Signal — Not used. |
| YEL Det | Yellow Alarm (RAI — Remote Alarm |
| Indication) Detected. #Net Port detects the |
| presence of an RAI. |
| YEL | Yellow Alarm (RAI) - Net Port transmits a |
| Yellow Alarm (RAI) when receiving an AIS, |
| LOS, or LOF. |
| Failed Signal | Not used. |
| Xmt Failed | Not used. |
| User Line Lpbk | User Line Loopback – Net Port in a Line |
| Loopback. Enabled by you under the Tests |
| menu. |
| User Payload Lpbk | User Payload Loopback – Net Port in a |
| Payload Loopback. Enabled by you under |
| the Tests menu. |
| HW Line Lpbk | Not used. |
| HW Payload Lpbk | Not used. |
| Remote Lpbk | A loopback is occurring on the net lines or |
| on the remote unit. |
| *Active | Net Port is Active. This indicates that the |
| Net Port is part of the bundle passing data |
| to and from the DTE port. |
| Not Active | Net Port is Inactive. This indicates that the |
| Net Port has been removed from the |
| bundle and is no longer passing data to |
| and from the Data Port. |
| Excessive Delay | The Net Port has exceeded the 31ms |
| relative delay. |
| Set Code Detected | The Net Port has detected a Loop code |
| sent from the Network. |
| Reset Code Detected | Net Port has detected a Loop down code |
| sent from the Network. |
| CRC Threshold | Net Port has exceeded the CRC Threshold. |
DL3800E Inverse Multiplexer User’s Guide — July 9, 2001 |