Alto-Shaam QC-100 REMOTE OP E R ATI on, Oper Ating Introduct IO N, Full COOK-CHILL Operation S

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The Alto-S haam ® Quic kchiller

is a proces sing refri gera tion





design ed to rapidly

and unifo rmly decrease the





tempe ratu re of hot foods

to eit her a chi lled or frozen




This proce ss provides enhan ced safe ty, longer storage

life and



bet ter produ ction efficienc y.








Rapid reduction in the temper ature of hot foods inhibit s the



growth of bacte ria and provides a safe, five -day chille d food



refrig erated storage

period from the time of preparation to the



time of service . Enha nced storage time offers the food service



opera tion consider able production efficien cy. As an example, a



dail y menu item can be reduc ed from daily preparation to a



prepara tion schedule consist ing of two days per week.






The Alto-S haam Qui ckchille r can be effectively util ized in



sever al type s of food servic e programs:
















Qui ck chilling can be used to help stream lin e produ ction in oper ations where foods are prepared for




imm ediate ser vic e.

Prepara tion of labo r int ensive

entrées can be sch edul ed for production sever al




days before service.

Chi lling foods provides the abil ity to reth ermali ze thes e items at a later date




whi le maintaining

bot h safe ty and prod uct qualit y.











whe re a significa nt porti on of food is cooked for imm ediate ser vic e and a sma ller por tion of more labo r




intensi ve, hot food items are prepared in advan ce, chille d and reheated when requ ired for ser vic e.











whe re all hot food product ion is prepar ed in advan ce of service requiremen ts and held in refr igerat ed




prepared food inven tories . Hot food prepar ation

takes place over a five -day production

schedu le.



The Qui ckc hille r cooli ng or freezing process is


Quickch iller will convert to a holding

mode at a

accomplishe d with

the uti liz ation of large


temperature specified for eithe r refriger ation or

compressors and fan s that are ele ctro nicall y


frozen produ ct mainten ance. The Quickch iller

cont rolled through the param eters ente red by the


control maintains a recor d of the len gth oper ating

operator on the control panel locate d at the front


time used for each current cycle. After the chill

of the cabine t. The Quickc hiller prov ides the


cycle has ende d and the unit is maintain ing a

operator with the ability

to chill foo d produc ts to


holding temp erature mode , the chiller

con trol will

a set cav ity temperatu re by time or by internal


initiate an automa tic def rost cyc le when required.

produ ct tem perature using one or more foo d






Whe n the specified chill time has elaps ed





or the probe temperatu re(s) has been reached the






Image 9
Contents FAX 262.251.7067 800.329.8744 U. S. A. only Phone 262.251 .380 0Deli Very DAN GER Inst ALL Ation INS Tallatio NSite Selection Tipping will cause damage to the unit Void the war rantyINS TAL LAT I on CA U TI O NDRA INA GE Water Draina GEQC-3 QC-5ANG ER QC- 10 DA NGE ROper Ating Introduct IO N OP E R ATI onTradi Tional COOK-SERVE Kitc Hens Modi FIE D COOK-CH ILL OperationsChil L Proce Ssing CYC LES Peratio NQuic KCH Iller Operation Modes Init IAL Quickchiller Operatio NALL OW a 30 Minute MIN IM UM Prec HI LL TI ME CA UTI onPeratio Key Audible signal can be silenced by pres sing the ProgramN T R O L PA N E L I D E N T I F I C AT I O N Hold Temp … The mode forWhen in the Hold Temp Mode ST AR T/S TOP key so tha t the Selecti onHOL D TEM P START/STO P key I C K F R E E Z EProbe If pr obe was sel ect ed … Time If time was se lect ed …R D C H I L L TIM E If time was se lect ed … When in the Hold Temp Mode After Hard Chilling By Prob ESTART/STOP key F T C H I L LTime If time was se lect ed … Press the START/STOP key PRO Gram MingPres ET Prog RAM OPE Ratio N Progra M Preset Selec TIO NSSelection Scre EN Prog RAM OP TionsEND Programmable START/STOPFood Prob E USE Time & Temperature Guideline SUnpacking Food Probes Probe Clea ning Proce duresPOR TIO NI NG & PAC KAG ING PRO Duct CoveringQU Ickchil LER PAN CA Pacity Prod UCT Capacit Y PER PANPans Brea Kfast Items PAN SizeStarches DessertsLeaning and PR Eventi VE MAI Ntenance SA Nitatio NInte Rior Cleanin G Prob E Cleaning Procedur ESSA NI TA T IO N EXT Erior Cleanin G FOO D Troll EY Clean INGMO Nthl Y Compresso R & Condenser MAI Nten ANC E SE RVI CE Model QC-3 Control Ervic ECB-3 PR-3850 Model QC-3 Coil3BA Model QC-20 Coil Control BOX RA IL Model QC-20 CondenserModel QC-40 Model QC-40 Control Model QC-50, QC-100 Control Model QC-100 Coil Model QC-50, QC-100 Breaker Model QC-50 Remote Remote condensor con nection Model QC-50, QC-100 RemoteModel QC-3 Wiring Model QC-20 Wiring Servic E Model QC-40 WiringModel QC-50 Wiring 1PH 3PH Model QC-100 Wiring 1PH 3PH Alto -SH AAM , in C Warranty

QC-100, QC-20, QC-50, QC-40, QC-100 REMOTE specifications

Alto-Shaam has established itself as a leader in the foodservice equipment industry, recognized for its innovative cooking solutions and advanced technologies. Among its signature products are the Alto-Shaam QC series, which includes the QC-3, QC-50 REMOTE, QC-100 REMOTE, QC-40, and the QC-50. Each model presents unique features tailored to a range of cooking applications, perfect for restaurants, hotels, and catering services.

The Alto-Shaam QC-3 is designed for smaller operations without compromising on quality. This unit boasts a compact design that fits seamlessly into tight kitchen spaces. It features a user-friendly digital control panel that allows chefs to monitor and adjust cooking times and temperatures easily. With the ability to hold a variety of foods at ideal serving temperatures, the QC-3 ensures that meals are served fresh and ready.

Moving onto the QC-50 REMOTE and QC-100 REMOTE, these models take versatility to the next level. Both units are equipped with remote monitoring capabilities, allowing operators to manage cooking processes from anywhere within the kitchen or dining area. These features are complemented by advanced electronic temperature control, which offers unparalleled precision in cooking. The QC-50 REMOTE can handle larger volumes of food, making it ideal for banquet-style service, while the QC-100 REMOTE is the powerhouse solution for high-demand environments.

The QC-40 offers a balance between power and efficiency, delivering consistent cooking results for a variety of dishes. Its sleek design and integrated high-efficiency heating elements reduce energy consumption while ensuring optimal performance. The user-friendly interface allows chefs to customize cooking profiles easily, resulting in versatile meal preparation.

Finally, the QC-50 combines the best of both worlds, with robust capabilities suitable for busy kitchens. This model features Alto-Shaam's signature Halo Heat technology that provides even heat distribution. This means that every dish, from meats to desserts, is cooked uniformly and maintains its moisture, reducing waste and improving food quality.

In summary, the Alto-Shaam QC series offers a range of designs and functionalities tailored to meet the diverse needs of modern foodservice operations. With cutting-edge technology, energy efficiency, and user-friendly interfaces, the QC-3, QC-50 REMOTE, QC-100 REMOTE, QC-40, and QC-50 stand out as essential tools for chefs aiming to elevate their culinary offerings while maximizing operational efficiency.