Alto-Shaam QC-3, QC-50 REMOTE, QC-100 REMOTE, QC-40, QC-20 manual Warranty, Alto -SH AAM , in C

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All Alto-Shaam equipment


Alto-Shaam , Inc. warrants

to the original purchaser

that any


is sold F.O.B. shipping

origina l part that is found to be defecti ve in material or workma nship


point, and when accepted

will, at Alto -Shaam's option, subject

to provis ions here inafter state d, be


by the carrier, such

repla ced with a new or rebuilt





shipments become the


The labor warranty remains in effec t one (1) year from insta llation


or fifteen (15 ) months from the shipping date, whi chever occurs first.


property of the consignee.

Alto-Sh aam wil l bear normal labor charge s perform ed durin g stan dard


Should damage occur in shipment, it is a matter

busine ss hours, and exc luding overtime, holiday rates or any


addi tional fees.




between the carrier and the consignee. In such cases, the


The parts warranty remains in effec t for one (1) year from

carrier is assumed to be responsible for the safe delivery

insta llation

or fifteen (15) months from the shipp ing date, which ever

of the merchandise, unless negligence can be established

occu rs first.





on the part of the shipper.


However, the heat ing eleme nt on Hal o Heat ® cook/ho ld ovens


Make an immediate inspection while the equipment

and the refrige ration compressor on Alto-S haam Quickchill ers are

warra nted for a period of five (5) years from installati on. The lab or


is still in the truck or immediately after it is moved to

warra nty is the same as stated

above; namely, for one (1) yea r from


insta llation

or fifteen (15) months from the shipp ing date, which ever


the receiving area. Do not wait until after the

occu rs first.






material is moved to a storage area.



2. Do not sign a delivery receipt or a freight bill until


Calibrati on.

and/or the replac ement

of displ ay


you have made a proper count and inspection of all


Replace ment of light bulbs


merchandise received.


case glass due to damage of any kind.



Equipme nt dama ge cause d by acc ident, shipping, improper

Note all damage to packages directly on the carrier’s


installa tion or alteration .





delivery receipt.

Equi pmen t used under conditi ons of abus e, misus e, carele ssne ss



or abno rmal condit ions includi ng, but not limited to, equipme nt


Make certain the driver signs this receipt. If he


subj ected to harsh or inappropriate chemic als includi ng, but not


limi ted to, compound s containing chloride or quaterna ry salts , poor


refuses to sign, make a notation of this refusal on


wate r quali ty, or equip ment with missi ng or alter ed serial numbers.


the receipt.


incurred as a direct result of poor water qualit y,

5. If the driver refuses to allow inspection, write the


inadequ ate mai ntenance of stea m generators and/or

surface s



by water quality.

Water qualit y and required mainte nance


following on the delivery receipt:


of steam

generati ng equipm ent is the respons ibility

of the


Dr ive r re fu se s to al low insp ecti on of


owner/ope rator.





cont ain er s for vis ib le dam ag e.


caused by use of any clea ning agent other tha n



Alto-Shaa m's Combi therm

® Clea ner inc ludi ng, but not limite d to,

6. Telephone the carrier’s office immediately upon


dama ge due to chlorine or other

harmful chemicals . Use of


Alto-Shaa m's Combi therm

® Clea ner on Combi therm

® ovens is


finding damage, and request an inspection. Mail


highly recommended .





a written confirmation of the time, date, and the

7. Any losses or damage resulting from malfunction, including loss


person called.


of product or consequential or incidental damages of any kind.

7. Save any packages and packing material for further

Equipme nt modifi ed in any manner from ori ginal mod el,


substituti on of parts other

tha n fact ory authori zed parts,


inspection by the carrier.


remova l of any parts inc luding legs, or addition of any parts.

8. Promptly file a written claim with the carrier and


This warr anty is exclusive

and is in lieu of all other

war rantie s,

expre ssed or implied, includi ng the implied warranties



attach copies of all supporting paperwork.

shall Alto-Shaa m be liable for loss of use, los s of revenue or profi t,



merc hantabilit y and fitn ess for a partic ular purp ose. In no event


We will continue our policy of assisting our

or loss of produc t, or for any indirec t or cons equentia l damag es.

customers in collecting claims which have been properly

No person exce pt an officer of Alto-Shaa m, Inc. is auth orized to modify

filed and actively pursued. We cannot, however, file any

this warranty or to incu r on behal f of Alto -Shaam any other oblig ation

damage claims for you, assume the responsibility of any

or liability

in connecti on with Alto-Shaam equipme nt.


claims, or accept deductions in payment for such claims.







Model: _______________________________________________Date Installed: __________________________________________________________

Voltage: ______________________________________________ Purchased From: _______________________________________________

Serial Number: _______________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________


N9221 Water

Street P.O. Box 450 Menomonee


Wisconsin 53052-0450 U.S.A.



800.558-8744 USA/CANADA


262.251.7067 • 800.329.8744 U.S.A. ONLY


P RI N T E D I N U . S . A .





Image 48
Contents Phone 262.251 .380 0 FAX 262.251.7067 800.329.8744 U. S. A. onlyDeli Very DAN GER INS Tallatio N Inst ALL AtionSite Selection Tipping will cause damage to the unit Void the war rantyCA U TI O N INS TAL LAT I onWater Draina GE DRA INA GEQC-3 QC-5ANG ER DA NGE R QC- 10OP E R ATI on Oper Ating Introduct IO NTradi Tional COOK-SERVE Kitc Hens Modi FIE D COOK-CH ILL OperationsPeratio N Chil L Proce Ssing CYC LESQuic KCH Iller Operation Modes Init IAL Quickchiller Operatio NCA UTI on ALL OW a 30 Minute MIN IM UM Prec HI LL TI MEKey Audible signal can be silenced by pres sing the Program PeratioHold Temp … The mode for N T R O L PA N E L I D E N T I F I C AT I O NWhen in the Hold Temp Mode ST AR T/S TOP key so tha t the Selecti onHOL D TEM P I C K F R E E Z E START/STO P keyTime If time was se lect ed … Probe If pr obe was sel ect ed …R D C H I L L When in the Hold Temp Mode After Hard Chilling By Prob E TIM E If time was se lect ed …F T C H I L L START/STOP keyTime If time was se lect ed … PRO Gram Ming Press the START/STOP keyProgra M Preset Selec TIO NS Pres ET Prog RAM OPE Ratio NProg RAM OP Tions Selection Scre ENEND Programmable START/STOPTime & Temperature Guideline S Food Prob E USEUnpacking Food Probes Probe Clea ning Proce duresPRO Duct Covering POR TIO NI NG & PAC KAG INGQU Ickchil LER PAN CA Pacity Prod UCT Capacit Y PER PANPans PAN Size Brea Kfast ItemsStarches DessertsSA Nitatio N Leaning and PR Eventi VE MAI NtenanceInte Rior Cleanin G Prob E Cleaning Procedur ESSA NI TA T IO N EXT Erior Cleanin G FOO D Troll EY Clean INGMO Nthl Y Compresso R & Condenser MAI Nten ANC E SE RVI CE Ervic E Model QC-3 ControlModel QC-3 Coil CB-3 PR-38503BA Model QC-20 Coil Model QC-20 Condenser Control BOX RA ILModel QC-40 Model QC-40 Control Model QC-50, QC-100 Control Model QC-100 Coil Model QC-50, QC-100 Breaker Model QC-50 Remote Model QC-50, QC-100 Remote Remote condensor con nectionModel QC-3 Wiring Model QC-20 Wiring Model QC-40 Wiring Servic EModel QC-50 Wiring 1PH 3PH Model QC-100 Wiring 1PH 3PH Warranty Alto -SH AAM , in C

QC-100, QC-20, QC-50, QC-40, QC-100 REMOTE specifications

Alto-Shaam has established itself as a leader in the foodservice equipment industry, recognized for its innovative cooking solutions and advanced technologies. Among its signature products are the Alto-Shaam QC series, which includes the QC-3, QC-50 REMOTE, QC-100 REMOTE, QC-40, and the QC-50. Each model presents unique features tailored to a range of cooking applications, perfect for restaurants, hotels, and catering services.

The Alto-Shaam QC-3 is designed for smaller operations without compromising on quality. This unit boasts a compact design that fits seamlessly into tight kitchen spaces. It features a user-friendly digital control panel that allows chefs to monitor and adjust cooking times and temperatures easily. With the ability to hold a variety of foods at ideal serving temperatures, the QC-3 ensures that meals are served fresh and ready.

Moving onto the QC-50 REMOTE and QC-100 REMOTE, these models take versatility to the next level. Both units are equipped with remote monitoring capabilities, allowing operators to manage cooking processes from anywhere within the kitchen or dining area. These features are complemented by advanced electronic temperature control, which offers unparalleled precision in cooking. The QC-50 REMOTE can handle larger volumes of food, making it ideal for banquet-style service, while the QC-100 REMOTE is the powerhouse solution for high-demand environments.

The QC-40 offers a balance between power and efficiency, delivering consistent cooking results for a variety of dishes. Its sleek design and integrated high-efficiency heating elements reduce energy consumption while ensuring optimal performance. The user-friendly interface allows chefs to customize cooking profiles easily, resulting in versatile meal preparation.

Finally, the QC-50 combines the best of both worlds, with robust capabilities suitable for busy kitchens. This model features Alto-Shaam's signature Halo Heat technology that provides even heat distribution. This means that every dish, from meats to desserts, is cooked uniformly and maintains its moisture, reducing waste and improving food quality.

In summary, the Alto-Shaam QC series offers a range of designs and functionalities tailored to meet the diverse needs of modern foodservice operations. With cutting-edge technology, energy efficiency, and user-friendly interfaces, the QC-3, QC-50 REMOTE, QC-100 REMOTE, QC-40, and QC-50 stand out as essential tools for chefs aiming to elevate their culinary offerings while maximizing operational efficiency.