Leveling Cabinet
Level the cabinet so as to insure proper drainage of the drain pan and proper operation of the lids and refrigeration system. The GT cabinet condenser has cooling air entering and discharging through the front grille. This allows the cabinet to be placed against a wall or solid object without blocking the flow of condenser air.
To comply with Sanitation requirements, the cabinet must be mounted on legs (6” high minimum) or the base must be sealed to the floor using N.S.F. listed RTV silicone sealant. Minimum clearance as follows: 0” rear and side, top and front are open required for compliance.
Grille Removal And Compressor Check
Remove grille and check refrigeration lines to see that they are free (not touching each other or compressor). Spin condenser fan blade to see that it is free.
Check that all service valves (2) are open. The springs are secured for shipping by either tightening bolts or shipping strap. Remove the strap or loosen the
Semi-Hermetic Compressor
Uncoil the lead cord and pass it through the hole provided in the cover. While the cabinet is in operation, check the voltage draw and the amperage draw versus this rating on the nameplate. Check for fan noise and vibration, while the fan is running. Voltage should be checked at the compressor terminals while the compressor is initially starting. The unit is designed to operate at +/- 10% of 115 volts, 60 cycles, and single phase. This means that the voltage should be between 103 and 126.5 volts.
After the cabinet has pulled down in temperature to approximately 0°F at load line, check the thermostatic control by turning it to its warmest position. This should shut the compressor off. Also check that the main