PA966/967 User's Manual
In order to exchange files between your desktop computer and the PA966, Microsoft ActiveSync must be installed on your desktop computer.
With Microsoft ActiveSync you can:
•Transfer files
•Back up and restore PA966 files
•Add programs to and remove programs from the PA966
This chapter will introduce Microsoft ActiveSync version 3.5. ActiveSync provides a
Installing Microsoft ActiveSync
Before beginning installation, carefully read the following:
•Because you will be restarting your computer during installation, save your work and quit all programs before you begin.
•To set up your communication settings, a PA966 serial cable is required to connect the PA966 to your host computer.
•If you run the Windows NT® operating system with a service pack, you will be informed during setup that you may need to reinstall the service pack. Try connecting first, and if unsuccessful, reinstall the latest service pack.
Follow the installation procedure below to install Microsoft ActiveSync, connect your PA966 to your desktop computer, and establish a partnership for synchronization (if desired):
•Download the executable program “msasync.exe” from the Microsoft web site at: http://www.microsoft.com/mobile/pocketpc/ downloads/activesync35.asp.
Execute this program.