Sunfire TGP-5(E) manual Remote Control Codes, Audio Components

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Remote Control Codes


Audio Components

ADC 007

Adcom 082, 092, 225, 161, 269 Aiwa 018, 104, 170, 202, 203, 213, 211, 188

Akai 138, 189

AMC 125, 126, 167, 128, 258, 281, 282

Amend 054

AMX 196 Angstrom 142 Arcam 141 Audio Access 147 Audio Alchemy 135

Audio Design 194, 221, 011 Audio Ease 021, 196, 207 Audio File 071

Audio Matrix 167

Audio Source 273

Audio Technica 134 B&K 096, 097 Bose 070, 170, 224 Bryston 023

Carver 006, 028, 061, 071, 201, 214, 226, 180, 185, 022, 029,077,284

Casio 076

Chiro 140

Cinema Sound 034, 134 Citation 148, 272 Clarion 026

Curtis Mathes 076

Denon 002, 034, 109, 215, 229, 230, 027, 037, 234, 259 Eiger 149

Elan 057

Enlightened Audio 099, 098 Fisher 047, 214, 180, 182 Fosgate 062, 231

GE 056, 260

Goldstar 008 Hafler 174 Harman/Kardon 231, 233, 254, 153, 154, 118, 121, 227, 277 Hitachi 020

Inkel 197

JBL 263

JC Penny

Jeff Rowland 206 Jensen 058

JVC 240, 163, 191, 114, 266, 279

Kenwood 026, 066, 145, 146, 181, 190, 197, 192, 182, 199, 151, 222, 180, 005, 280 Kinergetics 220, 140

Koss 216 Krell 150, 072 Kyocera 007

Lexicon 120, 235, 236, 237 Linn 124

Luxman 137, 139, 052, 1654, 115, 004, 009

LXI 076, 056

Magnavox 086, 164, 152, 208 Marantz 006, 028, 031, 040, 063, 185, 186, 251, 265 McIntosh 238

MCS 076

Meridian 100, 012, 013

Mitsubishi 242, 243, 204 Mondial 157, 158, 042, 043, 081, 112

Myryad 276

NAD 186, 113, 283 Nakamichi 111, 244, 245, 172, 183

NEC 176

Onkyo 017, 046, 064, 107, 108, 187, 079, 080, 090, 179, 209, 270, 275

Optimus 026, 041, 138

Panasonic 032, 195, 219, 177 Parasound 129, 130, 132, 261 Phast 196

Philips 249, 250, 251, 063 Pioneer 014, 033, 039, 044, 045, 050, 069, 159, 168, 116, 035, 079, 198

Proceed 144, 268

RCA 010, 048, 117, 156, 067 Realistic 019, 056, 073, 075, 095

Revox 162

Rotel 074, 083, 085 Samsung 016

Sansui 040, 048, 110, 119, 065, 228

Sanyo 047, 059

Scott 019, 091 Sears 076

Sharp 026, 094, 131, 175, 181 Sherwood 024, 048, 055, 102, 103, 105, 106, 051, 030 Sony 018, 093, 223, 247, 248, 160, 166, 015, 101, 184, 218, 271

Soundesign 036 Soundstream 084, 088 SSI 068

Sumo 171

Sunfire TGI 329

Sunfire TGII-IV, TGP-5 001 Taekwang 138

Teac 005, 019, 049, 111, 212, 217

Technics 122, 176, 193, 219, 178, 177, 200, 257, 262 Theta Digital 136

Toshiba 060, 087, 198, 278 Wards 180

Yamaha 026, 253, 169, 067, 173, 205, 264, 232, 089, 264, 274, 285

Zenith 143, 210

Aux (Lighting, Switches, TiVo, Etc.

3M 152 Aiwa 164 Archer 155 Auton 191 DMX 156 Draper Screen 204 Dwin 080 Everquest 206 Extron 151 Faroudja 184 Fuji 209

Jerrold 153 JVC 185 Kenwood 185 Lite-Touch 208 Lutron 077, 158, 159 Lutron 077, 158, 159 Makita 186, 201 Mindpath 205 Niles 160, 187 NSM 161

Piano Disc Plus 085 Philips 090

Polk Audio 162 Replay 075 Russound 081 Scientific Atlanta 156, 163 Sima 082

Solo Electronics 207 Somfy 078, 079

Sony 104, 164, 165, 166 Starcom 153 Turboscan 167 Velodyne 203

X-10 093, 183

Xantech 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 188, 189

Cable Boxes

ABC 103, 003, 004, 039, 042, 046, 053

Americast 099

Antronix 014

Archer 005, 007, 014 Bell South 099 Centurion 092 Century 007 Citizen 007 Combano 080, 081 Comsat 074 Comtronics 030 Digicable 101 Eagle 020, 030, 040 Eastern 057, 066 Echostar 106 Electricord 032 Gemini 008, 054 General Electric 072

General Instruments 103, 074, 104

GNC 099

Golden Channel 030

Hamlin 049, 050, 055 Hitachi 103, 055

Jerrold 013, 002, 003, 004, 008, 009, 010, 069, 074 Magnavox 010, 012, 064, 079, 095, 094

Media One 107

Memorex 052

Mitsubishi 102 Lutron 077, 158, 159 Makita 186, 201 Mindpath 205 Niles 160, 187 NSM 161

Piano Disc Plus 085 Philips 090

Polk Audio 162 Replay 075 Russound 081 Scientific Atlanta 156, 163 Sima 082

Solo Electronics 207 Somfy 078, 079

Sony 104, 164, 165, 166 Starcom 153 Turboscan 167 Velodyne 203

X-10 093, 183

Xantech 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 188, 189

CD Players

Adcom 062, 042

Aiwa 059, 065, 088, 089, 105, 122, 170,187

Akai 085, 195, 202 AMC 231, 232 Amend 118 Arcam 238

Audio Access 119, 147 Audio Ease 165 Audio Technica 046 BSR 037, 057 California Audio 103, 008 Capetronic 063 Carrera 057, 080

Carver 185, 041, 044, 050, 086, 107, 130, 134, 135, 138, 139, 203, 204, 167

Casio 111, 182

Clarinette 182 Creek 159 Crown 035 Denon 002, 123 Emerson 042, 069, 102

Fisher 050, 185, 134, 008 Fraba 111

Genexxa 010, 069, 102

Goldstar 010, 069, 102 Haitai 093 Harman/Kardon 018, 033, 047, 208

Hitachi 042, 175 Inkel 130, 143, 144

JC Penny 014, 061, 092, 141 Jensen 158

JVC 004, 022, 136, 163, 213, 214, 242, 243

Kenwood 185, 007, 023, 055, 071, 072, 142, 137

Koss 061

Krell 241 Kyocera 005 Lotte 102

Luxman 011, 028, 070, 076 LXI 059

Magnavox 044, 107 Marantz 027, 041, 044, 051, 077, 107, 209

McIntosh 212 MCS 014, 073, 092 Memorex 010 Mission 044, 107 Mitsubishi 179 Mitsumi 153 Modulaire 182 Mondial 147 Myryad 244

NAD 006, 005, 067, 178 Nakamichi 217, 218, 219, 095 NEC 014, 062

Nikko 046 NSM 044, 107

Onkyo 030, 038, 039, 168, 169 Optimus 010, 050, 057, 058, 081, 082, 083, 085, 093, 195 Panasonic 103, 201, 172, 008, 068

Parasound 233

Philips 041, 044

Pioneer 010, 020, 025, 056, 174, 175, 176

Proceed 239

Proton 044, 107, 228 Quasar 103, 008 Radio Shack 182 RCA 017, 042, 150 Realistic 042, 050, 051, 102, 181, 182, 187

Rotel 044, 107, 161, 178, 250 SAE 044, 107

Sansui 044, 069, 107, 128, 171, 190, 125

Sanyo 050 Scott 069, 102

Sharp 026, 031, 051, 066 Sherwood 003, 019, 051, 096, 112, 115, 119, 166 Signature 033

Sony 048, 081, 097, 126, 133, 177, 225, 226, 164 Soundesign 251

Sumo 155 Sylvania 044, 107 Symphonic 052, 181 Taekwang 195, 085 Tandy 010

Teac 015, 034, 036, 051, 052, 101, 131, 140, 079 Technics 060, 103, 200, 172, 184, 008, 068

Techwood 076

Theta Digital 234, 235

Toshiba 006, 067, 091, 160, 148 Vector Research 080

Victor 004, 022, 114, 124 Wards 185, 033

Yamaha 024, 046, 054, 186, 183, 245

Yorx 182

DVD Players

Apex Digital 087

Denon 007, 080

GE 026, 027

Harman/Kardon 084

JVC 012

LG 091, 057, 074

Magnavox 066

Marantz 083

Mitsubishi 017

NAD 088

Onkyo 076, 035

Panasonic 021, 042

Philips 066

Pioneer 023, 092

Proceed 086

Proscan 026, 027

RCA 026, 027

Samsung 056, 070

Sharp 094

Sony 033

Theta Digital 032

Thomson 026, 027

Toshiba 035, 034

Yamaha 042, 089

Zenith 057, 074, 091

LaserDisc Players (Use with DVD)

Denon 206, 207

Funai 120

Kenwood 152, 013

Magnavox 032, 121

Marantz 211

Mitsubishi 121

NAD 121

Optimus 049, 013

Panasonic 113

Philips 032

Pioneer 106, 117, 121

Radio Shack 120

RCA 002

Realistic 049

Runco 127

Sanyo 075

Sharp 152, 013

Sony 053, 110

Technics 113

Theta Digital 032

Toshiba 152, 106

Yamaha 043, 129



Alphastar 123

Amplica 050

Birdview 129, 113, 051, 126 BSR 053

Capetronics 053

Channel Master 013, 014, 015, 018, 036, 055

Chaparral 008, 009, 012, 077 Citoh 054

Curtis Mathes 050

Drake 005, 006, 007, 010, 011, 112, 116, 141, 052

DX Antenna 024, 046, 056, 076 Echostar 038, 040, 057, 058, 093, 094, 095, 096, 097, 098, 099, 100, 122

Electrohome 089 Eurosat 114

Fujitsu 017, 021, 022, 027, 133, 134

General Electric 151, 106, 150 General Instruments 003, 004, 016, 029, 031, 059, 101, 148


User's Manual

Image 55
Contents Theater Grand Processor Important Safety Instructions NEC National Electrical Code Contents Introduction Remote Features UnpackingFeaturesMain OverviewExit Quick Start GuideFurther Information Display Front Panel FeaturesPower Mode ButtonsTone Controls VolumeLock Indicators Tuner ControlsRear Panel Features Ground Screw Power SwitchFM Antenna AM AntennaInstallation Analog audio and composite video System ConfigurationsHdmi OUT Digital audio and component video connectionsRF demodulator LD connections external RF Demodulator and S-VideoDVD VCR connections analog audio and composite videoAM Loop Antenna CD and Antenna connectionsTurntable connections Tape Player connections Channel Input connections analog audio Speakers Amplifier connectionsZone 2 connections Remote Control Zone Operating the TGP-5 with the RemotePRO Remote SetupLearn Remote SetupMacro Recal RecallMain MON2 On Screen Display OSDOSD Activation Quick InformationOSD Menus Tone Menu Trim and Tone MenusTrim Menu Modes Menu Input Configuration Menus Input MenusInput Menus Tuner Preset Menu Tuner Preset MenusPreset procedure Zone 2 Menu Main Zone and Zone 2 MenuMain Zone Menu Control Menu Video, Software and Control MenusVideo Menu Software MenuSpeaker Size Menu Speaker Size MenuSpeaker Position Menu Speaker Calibration Speaker Calibration MenuSurr Crossover Crossover adjustment Subwoofer ModeSpeaker Crossover Menu CrossoverVideo Conversion Bass Management Using the TGP-5Source Direct Surround Modes for 2-Channel SourcesStereo Dolby PRO Logic Party Jazz ClubDolby Digital Surround Modes for Multi-Channel SourcesTuner Operation Recording to a Tape Player RecordingRecording to a VCR Turning on Zone IndicatorsZone 2 Operation ConnectionsSonic Holography Software Upgrade Software Revision ListSoftware CD Center speaker Speaker PlacementAppendix Front SpeakersSurround Back Speakers Side-Axis SpeakersSurround Speakers Subwoofer LocationRS-232 Port No sound from one or more speakers Troubleshooting GuideNo Tone Controls Your amplifiers shut down often Audio Components Remote Control CodesTape Decks Video Settings Tone SettingsZone Settings Input Settings Mode SettingsSpecifications Service Assistance Limited WarrantyTGP-5 Addendum

TGP-5(E), TGP-5 specifications

The Sunfire TGP-5 and TGP-5(E) are high-end audio processors that cater to audiophiles and home theater enthusiasts seeking exceptional sound quality and advanced features. These models are designed with a commitment to delivering pristine audio performance across various formats, making them ideal for both music and movie playback.

One of the standout features of the TGP-5 is its robust digital signal processing capabilities. The device is equipped with a state-of-the-art multichannel DAC that ensures accurate sound reproduction and a high signal-to-noise ratio. This component allows for the processing of high-resolution audio formats, including DSD, ensuring that users can enjoy their music as intended by the artist. The TGP-5(E) version further enhances this experience by offering enhanced room correction technology, which automatically calibrates the system based on the specific acoustics of the listening environment. This feature optimizes audio performance by adjusting frequency response, thereby eliminating unwanted resonances and improving overall sound clarity.

The user interface of the TGP-5 series is designed for ease of use, featuring a straightforward menu system accessible via its front panel display or remote control. Connections are abundant, offering a variety of digital inputs, including HDMI, coaxial, and optical, alongside traditional analog RCA inputs. These options ensure compatibility with almost any home theatre setup and allow integration with modern streaming services and devices.

Another noteworthy characteristic is the TGP-5's support for surround sound formats, including Dolby Atmos and DTS:X. This capability allows users to create an immersive audio experience that enhances movie watching and gaming sessions. Additionally, the TGP-5 incorporates advanced connectivity options, such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, enabling wireless streaming from smartphones and tablets.

In terms of build quality, the Sunfire TGP-5 series boasts a sleek and elegant design, typically encased in a sturdy chassis that minimizes vibration and interference. This construction not only enhances durability but also adds a touch of sophistication to any audio setup.

In summary, the Sunfire TGP-5 and TGP-5(E) represent a blend of cutting-edge technology, exceptional audio fidelity, and user-friendly features. With their advanced processing capabilities, comprehensive connectivity options, and support for modern audio formats, these processors are a compelling choice for anyone looking to elevate their audio experience.