Oven Function Control Knob
0 The oven is off
Oven light - The oven light will be on without any cooking function.
Defrost Setting - This setting is
intended to assist in thawing of frozen food.
Fan cooking - This allows you to
roast or roast and bake simoultaneously using any shelf, without flavour transference.
Grill - The heat comes from the top element only.
Mains on Indicator
The mains on light will come on when the oven function control knob is set.
Thermostat Control Knob
Turnthethermostatcontrolknobclockwisetoselect temperatures between 50°C and 250° C.
Thermostat Control Indicator
The thermostat control indicator will come on when the thermostat control knob is turned. The indicator will remain on until the correct temperature is reached. It will then cycle on and off to show the temperature is being maintained.