The STATUS LED provides optical indication of CAN-bus traffic. When the power amplifier’s address is set to “00” so that it is separated from the CAN- bus, the STATUS LED blinks every 3 seconds. When the power amplifier’s
address is set between “01” and “250” and no CAN-bus activity has taken place yet, the LED blinks every second. As soon as CAN-bus communication is recognized, the LED is activated for at least 100ms whenever the power amplifier actively sends data on the CAN-bus.The STATUS LED may also be activated from the PC. In this case, the LED of the according power amplifier blinks fast and steady while all other status-LEDs within the system stay dimmed. This function is useful for optically monitor- ing communication and for quickly identifying particular power amplifiers in extensive system installa- tions (please also refer to the IRIS software documentation).
Easy Remote provides a simple way to remotely power-on/off the power amplifier. The Easy Remote function is only useful for appliances not employing a RCM-24 Module. Controlling appliances with RCM-24 Module installed per Easy Remote is practically pointless.
Leaving the pins of the EASY REMOTE IN socket open, i.e. when connecting +5V, the appliance power is switched on. When connecting the EASY REMOTE IN, i.e. when feeding 0V from the control output, the appliance enters standby mode.
The EASY REMOTE SLAVE connector provides connection for additional appliances with Easy- Remote function (e.g. for switching several devices within a rack-shelf ON/OFF).
The switching of the slave-units is delayed to prevent the mains fuses from blowing.
SPEAKON-type connectors are provided for the power amplifier channels „A“ and „B“. The BRIDGED OUT connector for bridged operation has a plastic coverlid preventing inadvertent misconnection.
When connecting loudspeaker systems, please mind the polarity according to the following diagram:
The ground-lift switch allows eliminating noise loops. If the power amplifier is operated together with other equipment in a 19“ rack-shelf, setting the switch to its GROUNDED position is recommended. If the power amplifier is operated together with appliances with differing ground potentials, setting the switch to its UNGROUNDED position is recommended.