TIN California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcemmt Act requires the Governor of California to publish a list of substances known to the state to cause cancer, birth defects or othm reproductive harm, and requires businesses to warn customers of potential exposure to such substancfis.
Gas appliances can cause minor exposure to four of these substances, munely bemwne, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and sock, caused primarily by the incomplete combustion of natural gas or LP fuels, Properly adjusted burners, indicated by
a bluish rather than a yellow flame, will minirnim incomplete combustion. Exposure to three substances can be minimized by venting with an open window or using a ventilation fan or hood.
When YOU CM Your Range
●Have the installer show you th~ location of the range gas
Have your range instdhd and propdy grounded by a qualified installer, in accordance with the Installation Irtstructiorw. Any adjustment and service should bc performed only by qualified gas range installers or service technicians.
*Plug your range into a 12&vo1t grounded outlet only. Do not remove the round grounding prong from tk plug, ffin doubt about the grmmding of the home electrical sys.tern, it is your personal responsibility and obligation to have an tmgrounded outlet replaced with a properly grounded,
●Be sure all paekiag materials m removed from the range before operating it to prevent fire or smoke damage should the packing material ignite.
●Locate range out of kitchen traffk path’ and out of drafty locations to prevent piiot outage and poor air circulation.
—● Be sure your range is correctly adjusted by a qualified service technician or installer for the type of gas (natural or LP) that is to be used. Your range can be converted for use with either type of gas. See the Installation Instructions.
Q After prolonged nse ofa ran@ high floor temperatures nmy result and many floor coverings wiil not $vithstand this kind ~f use.
Never install the range over vinyl tile m linoleum that cannot withstand suchtypa of use. Never install it directly over interior kitchen carpeting.
c Don’t attempt to repair of’ replace any part of your range Mniess it is spe&Ically reemmnmded iu this book. All other servicing should be refemd to a qualified techichn.
using Your Range
*Den$t leave childrm akme m unattended where a range is hot or in operation. They could. be seriously burned.
●Don’t aiiow anyone to ciimb, stand or hang on theuven dooq iwoiierdrawer or range top.
They could damage tiw range and even tip it over, causing severe personal ifiju~.
WARNIN(.LAM rangesmn tip and
1 | i@my amid &suit. To prevent | |
accidmtai tipping of the range | ||
P,.4 | ||
iimn abmmnal usage, @eluding |
m | exctm loadi~g of the overI door, | |
attatih it to the wall or floor by | ||
| ||
,.4 | installing the | |
supplied. To immtv the ib?vice is | ||
| ||
A | propdyinstalled and engaged, | |
remove the drawer panel and inspect | ||
| ||
the rear leveling leg. Make sure the chain fits | ||
securely into the bracket. |
If you pull the range out from the wall for any reason, make sure the
Do not allow the chain or bracket to damage the gas plumbing in any way.
(continued next page)