R -8580
Note | The voltage supplied to the parts n*w are greater than 250V. |
*Refer to “REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST” described at after PARTS LIST.
4-54 PFPF-A025WREO Thermal protection sheet (right B)
4-55 PFPF-A026WREO Thermal protection sheet (bottom)
4-56 PCUSU0326WRPO Cushion
4-57 PGISHA024WREO Heater insulator (A)
4-58 PGISHA025WREO Heater insulator (B)
4-59 PGISHAO26WREO Round insulator (A)
4-60 PGISHA027WREO Round insulator (B)
4-61 LANGQA096WRPO Oven lamp socket mounting plate
4-62 PFPF-A040WREO Thermal protection sheet (C)
4-63 LANGQ0255WRWO Capacitor mounting bracket
4-64 LBNDK0035WRPO Capacitor holder
5CDORFA238WRKO Door assembly
5- 1 FANGTA051WRYO Latch plate
5- 2 FLEVFOlOGWRYO Joint lever
5- 3 LSTPPA018WRFO Upper latch head
5- 4 LSTPPA019WRFO Lower latch head
5- 5 MSPRT0059WREO Latch spring
I5- 6 HDECQA075WRFO Door sash right
5- 7 HDECQA074WRFO Door sash left
5- 8 HDECQA072WREO Door sash upper
5- 9 HDECQA073WREO Door sash lower
5-10 DDORFA115WRYO Door panel ass'y
5-11 PGLSPA106WREO Door glass
5-12 PPACG0105WREO Door packing
5-13 GCOVHA104WRFO Choke cover
5-14 HDECQA076WRFO Door handle
15-15 HDECAA072WREO Door decolation plate left
6- 1 FAMI-A008WREO Low rack
6- 2 FAMI-A009WREO High rack
*6- 3 QW-HZ0059WREO High voltage wire A (Trans-Capa.)
*6- 4 QW-QZ0114WREO High voltage wire B (Mag-Capa.)
6- 5 FW-VZA396WREO Main wire harness
6- 6 TSPCNA664WRR2 Name plate
6- 7 FW-VZA398WREO Thermistor harness
6- 8 LBNDCQ004CBEO Wire holder (WH-l.,"M") LHLDWQ004YBEO Wire holder (purse look "L")
661109 QTANP0020YBEO Connector
6-11 TCAUH0114WRRO Caution label
6-13 TCADC0222WRRO Cook book
6-14 TINSEA295WRRO Operation manual
6-15 LHLDWQOOSYBEO Wire holder (purse 1ock"LL")
7- 1 LX-CZ0050WREO Screw; door handle mtg.
7- 2 LX-CZ0017WREO Screw; convection air guide
(A),(B),(C),(D),(H)and thermistor mtg.
7- 3 XCPSD40P06000 Screw; spacer mtg.
7- 4 LX-CZ0043WREO Screw; shaft mounting plate,
convection motor mounting plate, and thremal protection platetleft)mtg.
7- 5 LX-NZ0081WREO Nut; convection motor mtg. XCPWW3OP12XWO Screw; heating element holder mtg.
;I ; XBPSD30P14KOO Screw; damper switch mtg.
XCPSD30P06000 Screw; damper motor and AH sensor mtg.
;I "9 LX-BZ0207WREO Screw; oven lamp socket mtg.
7-10 LX-NZ0029YBEO Nut; steam duct ass'y and thermal protection plate(right)mtg.
7-11 XBTSD40P08000 Screw; steam duct ass'y mtg
7-12 XBTUW40P06000 Screw; waveguide cover mtg.
7-13 XBTUW40P08000 Screw; thermal protection platecright),