After adjustment of door latch switches, monitor switch and door are completed individually or collec-
tively, the following leakage test must be performed with a survey instrument and it must be confirmed that the result meets the requirements of the performance standard for microwave oven.
The safety switch must prevent microwave radiation emission in excess of 5mW/cm2 at any point 5cm or more from external surface of the oven.
Before beginning the actual test for leakage, proceed as follows;
1.Make sure that the test instrument is operating normally as specified in its instruction booklet. Important:
Survey instruments that comply with the require-
ment for instrumentations as prescribed by the per- formance standard for microwave ovens must be used for testing.
Recommended instruments are:
NARDA 8100
NAR DA 8200
2.Place the oven tray into the oven cavity.
3.Place the load of 275 +15ml of water initially at 20 &5 “Cin the center of the oven tray. The water container should be a low form of 600 ml beaker with inside diameter of approx. 8.5cm and made of
an electrically
The placing of this standard load in the oven is im- portant not only to protect the oven, but also to in- sure that any leakage is measured accurately.
4.Close the door and turn the oven ON with the timer set for several minutes. If the water begins to boil before the survey is completed, replace it with 275ml of the cool water.
5.Move the probe slowly (not faster that 2.5cm/sec.) along the gap.
6.The microwave radiation emission should be meas- ured at any point of 5cm or more from the external surface of the oven,