The system menu allows you to configure the UPS and the monitoring screen parameters. When you select the System menu from Main Menu bar, a drop down menu appears offering you the following menu options:
Login: Used for Remote Monitor. User must enter the password verification before he can control or configure the UPS.
Configuration: The Configuration menu allows you to tailor various Bulldog Plus parameters.
Monitor Screen: Allows you to change displayed item in the Scroll Screen of Information Display Area.
Font: Sets the font size. Bulldog Plus will resize the window automatically.
Window: This menu allows you to change the displayed items in the Information Display Area. The items in the menu refer to each button in the Bottom Layer Buttons.
Close Monitor: Stops Bulldog Monitor.
When attempting to use Bulldog Monitor as a Remote Monitor (connect to different host) you have to enter the password for verification if you want to do such tasks as configurations, or to control the UPS. Otherwise, you can only view the UPS information.
If user runs Bulldog Service and Bulldog Monitor on the same computer, you can perform such configurations or control the UPS without the
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