DupsEnvOverHumidity | 34 | WARNING: The environment over normal humidity |
DupsNoLongerEnvOverHumidity | 35 | INFORMATION: The environment recovered from abnormal humidity |
Bulldog Plus supports WEB Server for remote management and to obtain the UPS information. Users can use IE or Communicator to connect with Bulldog Service. Even your computer doesn't have Bulldog Plus installed you can monitor and control your UPS via the network.
a .Enable HTTP: Enable or disable the feature of Web service.
b. HTTP Root: The HTTP root path. All the html and gif files will be located here.
c. Port Number: The default port number is 80 but if there is already one WEB server running you can change Bulldog Service HTTP port number to a different number. At the Internet Browser you can input in the URL where 2000 is the assigned port number.
Belkin Components | 34 |