Operating Manual-4048A digital signal processor
7.GETTING STARTED 7.1 Configuration Options
Altec Lansing Maestro Software for the 4048A includes 10 permanent default configurations which can be used as starting points for setting up user defined presets. Modified configurations can then be saved to either disk (filename.alp) or one of 18 memory locations on the 4048A. Load a default setup by clicking <Configuration> within the <Options> menu. The default configuration options are:
1.4 x
2.2 x
3.2 x
4.2 x
5.1 x
6.Mono Distribution
7.Stereo Distribution
8.LCRS with mono subs
9.4 x 4 Processor
10.Muted, Flat
7.2 Metering Options
The front panel LEDs on the 4048A indicate signal present