Connecting The MPL 1640
•In addition to the sixteen monophonic input channels, there are three “hid- den” (or at least not so obvious) stereo inputs to the MPL 1640; these are the Auxiliary returns.* Use these whenever you want to bring in a stereo signal that will not need to be equalized. Also bear in mind that the three stereo Auxiliary returns can also be used as six monophonic returns (with the Aux return Balance controls giving you the ability to adjust the relative levels of the left/right inputs). For example, if you’re using the MPL 1640 in live performance to drive a mono PA system, you may not need to take the stereo returns from outboard effects processors.
•Because Aux 1 is
•Signals that are likely to require
Insert cables (sometimes called
TRS jacks (tip to return and ring to send), wired as follows:**
*The MPL 1640 Aux returns are hardwired to the Main Mix outputs; there is no provision for routing their signal to the Bus 3/4 outputs.
**You’ll also find this information silkscreened on the MPL 1640 rear panel.